Marika Tossavainen

Tietoa minusta
My research is strongly linked to circular economy and sustainable production of natural chemical compounds. My interest is in utilization of plant and microalgal based biochemicals in different applications such as food, feed and cosmetics. Currently, my research focuses on sustainable horticulture, impact of growth conditions for plant metabolism as well as utilization of side stream materials as a part of the growing media. My background is in applied microalgal research. During my PhD studies, I focused on sustainable microalgal production using waste waters as a growth substrates as well as production of specific metabolites in different growth conditions. I have long experience in collaboration projects between academy and industry.
Hankkeeni ja projektini
Hortianna – Kierto- ja puutarhatalouden osaamiskeskittymä (Hortianna – Center of circular economy and horticulture) Euroopan unionin osarahoittama, EAKR (3/2024-2/2027)
Käytöstä poistunut puumateriaali kiertoon (PUMASKA) (End-of-life wood material in circle), Euroopan Unionin osarahoittama (3/2024-12/2026)
Kotimaiset bioraaka-aineet terveys- ja hyvinvointituotteissa (FarKos) (Domestic bio-based raw materials in health and wellness products), Euroopan unionin osarahoittama, EAKR (1/2023-6/2025)
Smart Food Security (OKM) (1/2023-12/2024)
Plant factories: a novel industry for high-value plant production, Åforsk (2022-2024)
BIO-OSAKE, React EU funding (2021-2023)
VETREÄ, Terveyttä ja uutta liiketoimintaa puutarhakasveista vertikaaliviljelyllä, Maiju ja Yrjö Rikalan säätiö (2020-2022)
TURVAKAS, Kasvualustan ja sen fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien vaikutus FDR-antureiden luotettavuuteen ja kalibrointiin tulevaisuuden kasvualustoissa, Maiju ja Yrjö Rikalan Puutarhasäätiö (2022)
Etsivät, Elintarviketeollisuuden sivuvirrat hyötykäyttöön (Technology developement for utilization of Food Industry Side Streams), Finnish Cultural Foundation (2020-2022)
Bioeconomy 4.0, Data driven knowledge creation and utilization in bio processes, Ministry of Education and Culture (2019-2020)
Algae Factory, Business Finland (2018-2019)
LEVARBIO, Utilization of algal components and biomass as food, feed, and fuel, ERDF (2016-2017)
ALGOMEG, Health Promoting Food and Feed from micro algal omega -3 fatty acids, pigments, and bioactive peptides produced on Food Industry Side Streams, Tekes, (2014-2015)
ALGIND, Algae Business Opportunities in India for Finnish Companies, Tekes (2013-2014)