HAMK Smart and HAMK Tech research units are merging in the beginning of 2025

The aim is to strengthen multidisciplinary cooperation and to enhance and streamline the RDI structures of Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). HAMK’s new research unit will be called HAMK Tech.
Close cooperation between HAMK’s research units has been ongoing for a long time. The merger of HAMK Smart and HAMK Tech aims to further strengthen synergies and reduce duplication of RDI activities.
With the merger, the use of technologies will be more holistic across all our research key ecosystems: SmartBio, SmartBuilt and SmartEdu. This will enable HAMK to develop more versatile and comprehensive solutions for the needs of industry and society.
For example, our SmartBuilt ecosystem combines digital expertise with building technologies and energy systems, strengthening our ability to develop solutions for sustainable urban design and the built environment. In the SmartEdu ecosystem, we focus on developing new immersive learning environments using technologies such as virtual reality and robotics. In the SmartBio ecosystem, the digitalisation of the bioeconomy and circular economy offers significant opportunities for the development of sustainable solutions.
The new HAMK Tech research unit will continue to work with our existing partners in the same way as before. The research unit will be led by Jukka Pulkkinen, the current head of the HAMK Smart and HAMK Tech research units. In total, HAMK has around 160 experts working in research.
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