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Work­ing at HAMK

We’re united by the idea of sav­ing our fu­ture with real ac­tions.

Our personnel consists of more than 760 bettermakers in the fields of technology, education, bioeconomy, health, design and business.

Our presence spans across seven campuses, online, and internationally. We provide exceptional tools and environments to our students, staff and partners to work and collaborate together to accomplish useful actions.

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We take care of our per­son­nel

Our aim is to ensure that HAMK’s knowledge capital is constantly growing and looking to the future. HAMK staff members have international and flexible career paths and opportunities to grow into new roles.


HAMK International enhances the development of international skills of students and staff and supports the integration and employment of international students in Finland. HAMK staff can participate in staff exchanges through, for example, study visits, workshops or work placements.

HAMK is a part of RUN European University, which brings together eight European higher education institutions from seven countries, all committed to a common vision. 

Our Africa team builds networks and expertise with African universities and partners. HAMK personnel also have the opportunity to gain international experience, both by visiting partner universities and by welcoming African teachers to HAMK.

HAMK Global team operates in the field of global education export and is particularly specialized in teacher education and the reform of education in a specific sector, based on HAMK’s own multidisciplinary expertise.

Skills de­vel­op­ment

We offer our employees a wide range of skills development opportunities.

You can develop your skills through HAMK 100 training, mentoring, study circles, online training and on-the-job learning.

Well­being at work

Opportunities for continuous development, fair and inclusive management, rewards, interaction, empowerment and learning all contribute to well-being at work.

In addition, we at HAMK enhance the resources of our staff by providing more extensive occupational health care services than required by law, flexible working hours and good exercise facilities.

Per­son­nel be­ne­fits

  • Sports services
  • Affordable lunch in campus restaurants
  • Occupational health services beyond the statutory requirements (Mehiläinen)
  • Benefits for e.g. Synsam
  • Niemi sauna in Evo campus
  • Open University of Applied Sciences studies free of charge for staff

Our job op­por­tun­it­ies

We always announce our vacancies in Kuntarekry. Please note that we do not accept open applications!

Re­searcher ca­reer path

The tenure track offers doctoral-level researchers a well-supported and clear career path towards a permanent researcher-teacher position. The tenure track offers researchers the opportunity to develop and build their career path and to strengthen HAMK’s research focus and quality.

The tenure track is based on merit-based interim assessments (1-3) and a final assessment. Performance will be assessed in areas such as:

  • merit in research activities, such as successful research, fundraising and regular production of high-quality publications
  • leadership and societal impact, such as business partnerships and engagement with the scientific community
  • teaching and thesis supervision