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Steel con­struc­tion re­search 

What we offer

We research and develop steel structures, with a particular interest in the use of high strength steels in structures. We also have a special expertise in structural analysis, which can be used, for example, for fire protection design of steel structures.

We research and develop steel structures, with a particular interest in the use of high strength steels in a variety of structures, such as automotive and construction. By using high-strength steels, products can be made lighter. This reduces carbon dioxide emissions both in the manufacture and in the movement of the structures. 

Our research aims to make structural steel products and components more durable, lighter and easier to manufacture. We also study the recyclability of steel components. We also specialize in structural analysis, which can be used, for example, in the fire protection dimensioning of steel structures. 


Test load­ing of struc­tures and strength de­term­in­a­tions 

HAMK Tech offers a testing service to determine the static and dynamic resistance (including fatigue resistance) of structures and materials. We have load frames with servo-driven cylinders of different sizes (2 x 630 kN, 2 x 250 kN and 1 x 25 kN), which can be used to test a wide range of specimens. 

We also have a vacuum box (1.5 m x 10 m) which allows a uniform force to be applied to the test piece, for example to simulate a wind load. 

We offer simulation expertise in the field of structural strength properties and assistance in the analysis of simulation results. 

Our extensive laboratory services and network of partners enable us to manufacture the assembly and add-on parts required for testing. If you wish, you can observe the tests on site and obtain immediate additional information on your products. 

Measured quantities include force, displacement, elongation, acceleration and temperature. It is also possible to measure test pieces with a 3D scanner to reveal dimensional changes caused by loading, even for challenging shapes. 


test loading, strength determination, strength properties, load frame, vacuum box, structural durability 

Thermal cal­cu­la­tion of struc­tures

Analysis of structures (walls, ceilings and floors) using Trisco thermal calculation software (Physibel). 

The Trisco software complies with the standards 

  • ISO EN 6946:2007 Building components and building elements – Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance – Calculation method 
  • ISO EN 10211:2007 Thermal bridges in building construction – Heat flows and surface temperatures – Detailed calculations 

and can be used to determine the U-values of structures, the effects of cold bridges and the need for additional insulation, among other things. 


Thermal calculation, structures, Trisco, U-value, cold bridge, insulation 

Mois­ture per­form­ance of struc­tures

Analysis of structures (wall and roof structures) using theoretical calculations. 

The service calculates whether moisture condenses in a wall structure, for example, or whether the structure is safe for moisture transfer. 

The service provides the customer with information on how safe the designed structures are in terms of moisture transfer. 


Moisture performance, theoretical calculation, humidity, structural humidity 

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