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De­vel­op­ing work­ing life and skills

Our of­fer­ing

We provide research and development services to different sectors and actors for the development of world of work and skills. 

We provide solutions to the challenges of continuous learning and lifelong career guidance through research and development. We develop vocational teacher education and training from a pedagogical perspective to meet the skills needs of future working life. Challenges at the interface between education and working life, and the development of world of work alongside strategy work are also an important part of our service offering. 


Study on the as­sess­ment and de­vel­op­ment of trans­dis­cip­lin­ary col­lab­or­a­tion skills 

We provide research services to assess and develop the transdisciplinary collaborative competences of different organisations and actors in the public and private sectors, as well as educational organisations. 

The aim of the study is to measure the state of the art of transdisciplinary collaboration and to draw up development proposals and recommendations based on the results. 

One method that can be used in the study is facilitated phenomenon table work, whereby an issue or phenomenon is brought up for joint discussion and understanding is deepened. 

Example: Evaluation study on transdisciplinary collaboration in education and training in the Tampere region. 

Sup­port­ing strategy and stake­holder work 

We design and implement strategy and stakeholder engagement support processes for public and private sector actors according to the needs of the client.  

We use different methods of future and scenario work (e.g. the Delphi method) and participatory interactive workshops in our development processes. 

Con­tinu­ous learn­ing and com­pet­ence de­vel­op­ment 

We design and implement transdisciplinary processes for the development of continuous learning and competence management to meet the needs of world of work and education. 

The implementation will be designed according to the needs of the client and the development processes will be based on themes such as sustainable learning, social sustainability, change management, innovation development and the maintenance of competence and capability. 

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