Biotechnical research and analytics services
Our offering
We offer bioprocess R&D services, related laboratory and pilot level experimental facilities and analysis services. Our special expertise includes the utilisation of bio-based waste and side streams in the production of high-added value compounds, cellular biomass and biogas, as well as the development of these bioprocesses and product solutions to promote sustainable circular bioeconomy.
We study bioprocesses and solutions for the sustainable production of biomaterials and their raw materials. In bioreactors, we grow cellular biomass, such as bacteria, microalgae and mycelium, for further processing into new bioproducts for applications in various industrial sectors.
We offer versatile research, development and process monitoring services for biogas production processes. By utilising different process technologies, we study e.g. the biogas production potential of feedstocks and the impact of different feedstocks and process conditions on the behaviour and control of the biogas process. We also offer comprehensive analysis services for the process control needs of biogas plants.
Biotechnical production
Biogas and methane potential testing
Biogas process research
Biogas plant process analyses
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