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Biokaasureaktori HAMKin biokaasulaboratoriossa

Applied laboratory and analytics services

Our offering

In bioreactors, we grow bacteria, mycelium and algae for futher processing. We measure and analyse, for eexample, the biogas potential of bio-based raw materials. as well as the amount of cell mass and sugar or pH values. We study the shelf life of food.


Bioreactor Cultivation

In the experiments, we produce microbial mass and study the effect of growing conditions on the chemical composition of biomass: e.g. fatty acids, pigments, protein and sugars.
Growing on a scale of 0.5-20 liters:
bacteria, mycelium, microalgae

We vary the growing conditions as needed
e.g. temperature, aeration rate, pH

Biogas research

We conduct biogas process research with different reactor types:

  • Wet and dry processing
  • High-rate processing

Input-based methane and biogas yield tests and continuous process research

Process monitoring and end product analyses

Laboratory analyses

Process monitoring analyses of biogas plants:
pH, alkalinity, VFA, ammonium, TS, VS, COD

Biomass composition analyses:
Protein, sugars, fatty acids, pigments and phenolic compounds

Stability testing

Conditions studies related to food shelf life.

Condition studies may include physical (structural), chemical and microbiological analyses. Of the rheological properties of food, viscosity can be studied using rotational viscosimeters (Anton Paar and Brookfield). In addition, a rheometer is available for structural studies.

It is also possible to study changes in the colours, pH, aw and moisture content of foodstuffs related to shelf life.

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