Towards a more inclusive world?

We want to change the world by providing research, training, tools and, above all, a network to define a common cause and thereby increase understanding, change mindsets and action – increasing inclusive skills.
From thought to action: The GIVE Project’s impact on inclusive education
We have completed the GIVE (Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence) project after a four-year journey. Recognised and acknowledged best inclusive practices continue to evolve. The question remains: ‘how far is it from a change in thinking, to a lasting change in action’?
Our aim has been to develop inclusive excellence through collaboration between VET students and staff, world of work, policy makers and a wide range of stakeholders. We aimed to improve the inclusion of disadvantaged students in VET. We wanted to create innovative educational methods and models that promote social inclusion and improve the quality of education in Europe.
Collaborative efforts and innovative solutions for inclusive education
We worked with 10 partners from six different European countries, ranging from training providers to companies and other organisations. We developed training materials and courses to support the skills of vocational trainers and companies in delivering inclusive education. We were also responsible for developing three digital platforms. The online training platform provides training content in HAMK’s Moodle learning environment, while the mobility marketplace connects VET institutions and employers, enabling students to find work placements. The Community Forum serves as a discussion and collaboration platform for VET providers interested in social inclusion. Moreover, our experts brought their experience in vocational education and training and special needs teacher training.
It is clear that GIVE has left a lasting mark on European vocational education and training, promoting inclusiveness and excellence. In the future, these results will be used more widely to help all students reach their full potential. The project has come to an end but work on this theme is going strong. There are still many inclusive “seeds” to be sown and harvests to be reaped. If you are wondering how far it is from a change in thinking to a permanent, more inclusive way of doing things, you are warmly invited to join our global network to explore, develop and innovate together on this issue. Join our virtual meeting room (The GIVE Project – Inclusion Hub in LinkedIn). The journey continues – together.
GIVE in a nutshell
- GIVE’s (Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence) duration was from 1.11.2020 to 31.10.2024.
- The project was co-funded by European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.
- Project partners
Further information