Top e-service news this academic year

This academic year has brought quite a few changes and new additions to e-collections and online services. Great things are also in the works: we are currently preparing access to the O’Reilly Learning Platform.
More e-magz on Flipster
There have been changes in the Flipster magazine collection. Due to lack of use, three magazines have been removed from the collection: Big Data Quarterly, Linux Format and PC World. However, we have replaced the removed titles with no less than seven new magz: Ceramics monthly, Fast company, Inc., PC Pro, Pottery making illustratred, Science news and Welding journal.
Flipster magazines are all available remotely. Although Flipster’s user interface has been renewed and improved, we recommend the free Flipster app available at your app store. Just log in with HAMK credentials.
The use of articles became easier with LibKey
Last November, HAMK library introduced LibKey, which provides clear links to articles in HAMK Finna results list. The browser add-on LibKey Nomad checks whether the articles you find are available in HAMK library collections.
Browzine brought magazine shelves online
Using the library’s extensive e-journal collection became more pleasant when journal lists were replaced with the visual Browzine user interface. Browzine also assists in the use of e-journal services, like ordering tables of contents to your e-mail.
Thousands of e-books and learning materials on business and ICT soon available
The most significant addition to our e-services this year is undoubtedly the O’Reilly learning platform, which is currently being prepared for HAMK use. O’Reilly’s Learning Platform for Higher Education offers e-books, videos and other learning material on business, information technology and data processing. We will let you know as soon as the service is available, just follow our announcements!