The largest annual RUN-EU event brought together over 300 participants – watch the week’s summaries on video

The largest annual event of the RUN European University brought together over 300 students, staff, and regional partners from all eight RUN-EU higher education institutions. The contributions of student projects and future plans of RUN-EU, presented during the event held in the first week of September, can be viewed in the recorded videos.
During the RUN-EU Students Week, a total of 130 students sought concrete solutions to advance the UN’s development goals. Watch the video to see students’ presentations and insights on how European universities can promote the development of European regions. Watch the video on YouTube.
Another video recorded during the event week compiles the views of regional partners, staff, and students on the cooperation between the European University and the regions, and summarizes the activities done during the first half of year of RUN-EU’s second cycle. Watch the video on YouTube. The regional RUN partners for HAMK are the Häme Regional Council and the Häme Entrepreneurs.
Working in international environment
Here’s what our staff members, principal research scientist Kaisa Kontu and international officer Juho Rantala, have to say about their first RUN experience:
I was a teacher during the RUN-EU week. In our group, students brainstormed solutions for developing a self-sufficient energy system for the Vorarlberg region by 2040. The group included 17 different nationalities. The week offered a fantastic opportunity to work in an international environment together with students. Such RUN-EU events are a good and easy way to get involved in RUN-EU activities. At the same time, you get to meet new people from different fields of expertise,” Kaisa summarizes.
“I participated in a RUN-EU event for the first time as a member of the Staff Council. The best part of the trip was seeing European cooperation in practice and contributing to it with my own input. Throughout the event, it was palpable that something new and great was being created, and effective solutions were being sought in ways that suit our network. And all this with like-minded international colleagues!
I highly recommend everyone to get to know RUN-EU and participate in their own way. There are many possible ways, and participation does not always require traveling or a lot of time. A good tip for participating from Finland is to apply to the soon-to-be-established local RUN-EU Staff Council at HAMK,” Juho suggests.
The largest annual RUN-EU event, General Assembly & Students Week, was held this year at the campus of Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn, Austria. Next year’s event will be hosted by our Portuguese partner, the Polytechnic University of Cavado and Ave (IPCA).
Article’s picture: FHV/Matthias Rhomberg
RUN European University
We are part of RUN European University, which brings together eight European higher education institutions from seven countries committed to a common vision.