Value Driven Procurement
Type of education
- Open University
Academic level
- Bachelor Level Studies - EQF 6
Teaching language
- Finnish
- EN
- Online
Teaching format
- Online Learning
•understands the role of purchasing in business operations
•can adjust purchasing operations according to the values and size of the organization
•get familiar with the typical stages of purchasing process and can do some developing activities for purchasing
•gets familiar to contents of the typical purchasing agreements and delivery terms
•has knowledge of the principles of public procurements
Purchasing process as a whole:
- Purchasing; role in the supply chain
- Values, vision and strategy of the organization
- Definition of the need
- Searching potential suppliers
- Requests for quotations
- Terms of delivery
- Evaluation of the offers
- Code of Conduct
- Making decisions
- Purchase Order and its documentation
- Delivery supervision and control
- Goods receiving and inspection
- Invoicing and payments
- Claiming for deficiencies
Public procurements :
- Law of the public procurements and the responsibilities based on it
Student works independently on Moodle platform.
The course is to be executed within three months
Assessments are not made during June and July.
Teaching methods
The course is part of the Management and Responsible Procurement module. Can also be completed as a separate course.
This course is completely done in remote study mode. Execution is based on individual work on theory and assignments.
Value Driven Procurement course introduces you to key concepts, methods and practices related to the topic and its components. After completing the course, you will recognize how you can act and make decisions during different phases of procurement respecting the corporate values.
After the course:
- you understand the role of purchasing in business operations
- you can adjust purchasing operations according to the values and size of the organization
- you get familiar with the typical stages of purchasing process and can do some developing activities for purchasing
- you get familiar to contents of the typical purchasing agreements and delivery terms
- you have knowledge of the principles of public procurements
Learning material
Material is on the Moodle platform - we'll encourage student to look for additional material by themselves.
Class schedule
Student workload, 1 ECTS = about 27 hours
Cooperation with the business sector
The course has no actual working life connection. However, the course provides key competencies needed in modern working life.
Additional info
Materials within this course don’t fully comply with the requirements of the “Law for offering digital services (306/2019)”
Further information on enrolment, fees and studies of the Open UAS can be found at: https://www.hamk.fi/en/come-tostudy/continuous-learning/open-uas/
Open UAS students can give course feedback at https://pakki.hamk.fi/spark
Maximum amount of students is limited to 500.
The course will be organized as virtual studies.
Evaluation criteria
Terms and conditions,
Open UAS, non-stop course
By registering for the training, you accept the cancellation policy.
- The tuition fee is paid upon registration.
- You can start the studies approximately within a week of registration.
- The tuition fee is non-refundable, even if you cancel your registration.
Ask about registration and practical arrangements: openuas@hamk.fi
For more information on the content of the studies, please contact the course teacher. Staff email addresses are firstname.lastname(at)hamk.fi