Management and Responsible Procurement -project
Field of studies
- Business Administration
- Computer Applications
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Business
- eSports and eGaming
- Financial administration and Accounting
- Information and Communication Technology
- IT and ICT
- Leadership and Administration
- Marketing
Type of education
- Open University
Academic level
- Bachelor Level Studies - EQF 6
Teaching language
- Finnish
- EN
- Online
Teaching format
- Online Learning
You will apply what you have learned to the needs of the project. You will expertly assess the progress of the work and promote the significance of the end result by submitting development proposals.
Implementation of the project
The course begins with an assignment. Project work is an independent project or, in special cases, a project done in a group. The student searches for the topic of the project related to the contents of the module by following the instructions.
The student completes the study course according to her own schedule in the sequence of steps.
The duration of the course is 3 months from registration.
Assessments are not made during June and July.
Teaching methods
The course is part of the 15 cr module, where belongs also the following courses:
- Team Work Management and Finance 4cr
- Lean as the Cornerstone of Efficiency 4cr
- Value Driven Procurement 4cr
- The above-mentioned courses almost or completely done
Learning objectives:
- In the project assignment, you will learn to apply the things learned in the theory courses of the module into practice
- You will learn how to use Lean methods in practice to develop the operation / process of a company or organization
- You will learn to crystallize and visualize the results of the project on the Lean A3 template
You apply what you learn to the needs of the project. You will expertly evaluate the progress of the work and promote the significance of its outcome by making suggestions for improvement.
Learning material
The student searches for the source material himself. Instructors will help if needed.
Class schedule
Student workload is approximately 27 h / ECTS.
Cooperation with the business sector
The course involves working life cooperation depending on the project.
Additional info
Materials within this course don’t fully comply with the requirements of the “Law for offering digital services (306/2019)”
Further information on enrolment, fees and studies of the Open UAS can be found at: https://www.hamk.fi/en/come-tostudy/continuous-learning/open-uas/
Open UAS students can give course feedback at https://pakki.hamk.fi/spark
Maximum amount of students is limited to 500.
The course will be organized as virtual studies.
Evaluation criteria
Terms and conditions,
Open UAS, non-stop course
By registering for the training, you accept the cancellation policy.
- The tuition fee is paid upon registration.
- You can start the studies approximately within a week of registration.
- The tuition fee is non-refundable, even if you cancel your registration.
Ask about registration and practical arrangements: openuas@hamk.fi
For more information on the content of the studies, please contact the course teacher. Staff email addresses are firstname.lastname(at)hamk.fi