Lean as the Cornerstone of Efficiency 4op
Field of studies
- Business Administration
- Computer Applications
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Business
- eSports and eGaming
- Financial administration and Accounting
- Information and Communication Technology
- IT and ICT
- Leadership and Administration
- Marketing
Type of education
- Open University
Academic level
- Bachelor Level Studies - EQF 6
Teaching language
- Finnish
- EN
- Online
Teaching format
- Online Learning
The student understands the basics of the Lean and knows key vocabulary. The student is ready to use key methods and tools of Lean. Student focus from resource efficiency to flow efficiency and from resource thinking to customer thinking. Students are able to apply the basic principles of Lean thinking to their own work / study.
* Introduction to Lean thinking and concepts
* process flow efficiency
* current state description, flow and measurement
* Lean tools
Student works independently on Moodle platform.
The course is to be executed within three months
Assessments are not made during June and July.
Teaching methods
The course is implemented online as independent guided virtual studies.
The main learning environment will be Moodle. Students work independently on the different sections of the course. Assignments, activities, exams, etc. are done in Moodle.
On the Lean as the Cornerstone of Efficiency -course you will gain a foundation for Lean thinking and understanding its basic principles, and learn to know the most common Lean methods and tools.
- introduction to Lean thinking and concepts
- process flow efficiency
- current state description, flow and measurement
- Lean tools
After the course
- you will understand the basics of the Lean and know key vocabulary
- you will be ready to use key methods and tools of Lean
- you will focus from resource efficiency to flow efficiency and from resource thinking to customer thinking
- you are able to apply the basic principles of Lean thinking to your own work / studies
Learning material
Study materials will be handed through the courses Moodle platform. Recommended additional reading:
- This is Lean [Modig, Åhlström]
- The Toyota way [Liker]
- Lean toolbox [Bicheno, Holweg]
- Learning to See [Rother, Shook]
- Lean production simplified [Dennis]
- Lean Doctor [Suneja, Suneja]
Class schedule
Student workload, 1 ECTS = about 27 hours
Cooperation with the business sector
The course has no actual working life connection. However, the course provides key competencies needed in modern working life.
Additional info
Materials within this course don’t fully comply with the requirements of the “Law for offering digital services (306/2019)”
Further information on enrolment, fees and studies of the Open UAS can be found at: https://www.hamk.fi/en/come-tostudy/continuous-learning/open-uas/
Open UAS students can give course feedback at https://pakki.hamk.fi/spark
Maximum amount of students is limited to 500.
The course will be organized as virtual studies.
Evaluation criteria
Terms and conditions,
Open UAS, non-stop course
By registering for the training, you accept the cancellation policy.
- The tuition fee is paid upon registration.
- You can start the studies approximately within a week of registration.
- The tuition fee is non-refundable, even if you cancel your registration.
Ask about registration and practical arrangements: openuas@hamk.fi
For more information on the content of the studies, please contact the course teacher. Staff email addresses are firstname.lastname(at)hamk.fi