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Home Student pages Student feedback

Student feedback

We collect feedback from students about modules, theses, learning experiences and the students’ wellbeing in order to improve the overall student experience.

In addition, we organise student feedback discussions with HAMK rectors once a year and the heads of degree programmes organise their own feedback discussions at least once every semester. 

The student feedback system is a part of HAMK’s quality assurance policy and we use the feedback for improving university operations.

Module and course feedback

Please remember to give feedback on the module/course implementation via HAMK’s feedback service. You may give your feedback seven days before the module ends, at the earliest. The system picks the exact end date from the implementation plan in Pakki. The feedback survey opens seven days before the module ends and it stays open for a fortnight after the module end date.

You may give feedback via Spark feedback service in Pakki. The feedback service recognises the modules/courses you have been accepted to in Pakki. Please note that you can give feedback for each module only once and when the feedback questionnaire is available. Giving feedback is always anonymous.

Open University of Applied Sciences and CampusOnline students can provide course/module feedback via a browser at

If you cannot give feedback, please send a service request to ServiceDesk or send an email to koulutuksentukipalvelut(at) 

With the feedback, we will develop all education at HAMK. For further information on module feedback and development measures based on the feedback, contact the head of your degree programme or module teachers.

Thesis feedback

When your thesis is ready, you receive an email with a link to the thesis feedback survey. Please give your feedback on the thesis process.

Student feedback discussions with the rectors

We arrange annual student feedback discussions with the rectors. Students participating in these feedback sessions collect feedback from their groups according to some predefined themes. The student representatives and rectors will discuss these themes in a meeting. The themes are related to HAMK strategy and development goals defined in the strategy.

Study experience questionnaire

To attend to the student learning experience and study well-being, we use the Study experience questionnaire. We collect feedback on learning and teaching to be able to support our  students with the information. All first- and second-year students will take the questionnaire.

The questionnaire focuses on research-based information on student learning and study experiences at HAMK, namely, it focuses on learning processes, experiences of the learning environment, general skills needed in the world of work and the student’s well-being. Connections between these areas provide valuable information to support the development of learning and teaching.

The results will be reflected with the students, as well as with the teachers, the degree programmes and HAMK leaders to get a better understanding on: How can the student develop their study skills? How could the teacher support students through their studies? How could HAMK help in study well-being and learning?

Student wellbeing survey

We arrange a student wellbeing survey every other year. The survey is aimed at all HAMK degree students. With the survey, we collect information about our students’ wellbeing and the results are used for the development of HAMK’s wellbeing services, student counselling, and education arrangements. This biennial survey is also a good source of trend data for following changes in the student wellbeing. 

Feedback discussions in degree programmes

The heads of the degree programmes arrange regular feedback discussions with their student group representatives once or twice in an academic year. In these feedback sessions, the students and the head of degree programme discuss issues related to the arrangement of instruction, and the campus spaces and services. The session should lead to an agreement on development measures and their follow-up.

Graduation stage AVOP survey

The AVOP survey collects topical data on the students’ views on teaching and learning, internationalisation, workplace connections, practical training, thesis and general satisfaction related studies. The student answers the questionnaire as a part of their certificate application process in Valo service at Pakki. AVOP is national survey conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. 

Look up further instructions on how to answer the AVOP survey on Graduation page.

Career monitoring survey

Career monitoring survey collects data on the employment status and career development of university degree graduates, five years after their graduation.  

The target group of the survey is all graduates of Finnish universities of applied sciences and the survey is sent to them directly. The collected data of the previous surveys was used to create job descriptions and career stories that are published on pages.  For more spesific information please visit Education Statistics Finland.