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How to use the library

HAMK library is open to all. On this page you can find more information about how to use the library.

Welcome to HAMK library!

All HAMK library materials can be found in HAMK Finna. Our collection includes both print and electronic material: the amount of electronic material has increased significantly over the last 5 years. The main objective of our collection is to meet the information needs of HAMK students, teachers and researchers. Therefore, our collection focuses on the fields taught and studied at HAMK. Through inter-library loans, our collection is also available outside HAMK.

Play library Kahoot game and show the scoreboard at library customer service. You will get an overalls patch!

Get a library card

You can become a customer of the HAMK library by getting a HAMK library card. The library card is free for everyone.

As a HAMK student, you create a library card directly through Tuudo.

Other customers, HAMK staff and HAMK students who cannot use Tuudo – you can fill out the library card application online. You can then pick up your library card by going to the library service desk and presenting your ID.

The library card is personal and you are responsible for all material borrowed with the card. The same card works in all HAMK campus libraries. Please keep your library card with you whenever you visit the library. Library card is needed for borrowing materials. An ID cannot be used to borrow.

Borrowing books

Borrow books with a self-check machine. If you have problems, please contact the library’s customer service. You can borrow books from all HAMK campus libraries. You can see your loan history in HAMK Finna.

Loan times

  • The loan period is 28 days. Magazines cannot be borrowed.
  • You are responsible for returning or renewing your loans on time.
  • We will send you a notice of the due date of your loans by e-mail at least one day before the due date. By renewing or returning your loans on time, you avoid late fees.

Amount of loans

  • HAMK and HAMI students may borrow a maximum of 40 books at a time.
  • Non-HAMK customers may borrow up to 20 books at a time.

Returning books

You can return your HAMK library loans to any HAMK campus library.

Please return your loans using the self-check machine. When the library is closed, you can return your loans to the return boxes outside the libraries. The return boxes are located inside the campus buildings which means you can only return your loans while the campus building is open or if you have a key card. Your books will be processed next time the library is open. If the due date is earlier, late fee will be charged. If the library return box is full, please don’t leave the books outside of the box, return them later.

The only outside return box is in Hämeenlinna University Centre, next to building D main entrance in Visakaarre street.

How to use the library

HAMK students and staff – log in HAMK Finna with your HAMK ID. During your first log in, you will need to add your library card in to your account to access all features. To do this, you will need your library card number and your PIN code.

HAMI students & other customers – log in with your library card number and PIN code.

Forgot your PIN-code?

If you don’t remember your PIN code, you can change it in HAMK Finna. Use the same email that you have in your customer information and where you get library messages. If changing the PIN code doesn’t work, please contact library customer service.

You can renew your loans in HAMK Finna.

You can renew your loans five times. When you’ve renewed your loan the five times, you’ll need to return the book. Please note that you cannot renew your loan if the book is reserved for another client.

In case the book you need is out on loan for someone else or is located in another HAMK campus library, you can make a reservation for the book in HAMK Finna. You can choose to pick up your reservation in any of the campus libraries. You can also make reservation for the books that are currently available. Making reservations is free of charge.

As a non-HAMK customer, make book reservations via email to

Notice of arrival

You will receive an email notification once the material you’ve reserved is ready for pick up at your campus library. Requested material is held for 7 days. Please check your email notice of arrival for when to collect your request at the latest.

Picking up your reservation

You can pick up your reservations from a self-service shelf next to the borrowing machine. The reservations have been arranged alphabetically under your family name OR by your own alias / user name (hold’s identifier). Please borrow your reservations using the self-check machine.

Inter-library loans for HAMK library customers

If you cannot find the material you need in any of the HAMK campus libraries, we can make an inter-library loan request and borrow it for you from another library. For HAMK students and staff the inter-library loans are free of charge. For clients outside HAMK, the inter-library loan charge is 10 euros/item.

Please request an inter-library loan using the inter-library loan request -form.

Please notice the inter-library loan requests are available only for the material we do not have at HAMK library. For reservations from other HAMK campus libraries, please use HAMK Finna.

Inter-library loans for libraries

Inter-library service is available from our collections to other libraries – just send an e-mail to

See the price list for information about the prices. Please note that HAMK library is not part of the IFLA Voucher Scheme.

Library can check and renew their loans on HAMK Finna. Library will receive directions on how to do this with their first loan or by contacting us on kirjasto.kaukopalvelu(at)

You can update your contact information and personal reservation ID by logging into your account in HAMK Finna.

You can also update your contact details using the contact information -form.

If your name has changed, please come to the library customer service desk with your valid photo ID with your new name in it.

The overdue fine is 20 cent/book/workday, and three euros at the most for one book.

Once your loans are three weeks overdue, the library system marks them as lost and automatically adds the replacement cost for the book in to your account. The replacement cost will be removed from your account when you return the book back to the library. If you do not return the book, we will send you an invoice four weeks after the due date. Library will not compensate books returned after the invoicing. The invoice has to be paid in full.

When your fines reach 10 euros, or you have lost books, your borrowing rights will be suspended. This means you won’t be able to borrow, renew or make reservations. Once you’ve paid your overdue fines, you’ll be able to borrow, renew and make reservations again.

Please pay your library fees through HAMK Finna whenever possible.

Service price list

  • Overdue fine: 0,20 €/item/workday, 3 €/item/due date at the most. (N.B. Fines may accure from each individual borrowing or renewal). If the balance of payment reaches the limit of 10 €, a customer’s borrowing rights will be suspended.
  • Replacement of the library card: 1 €
  • Payment for lost or damaged material: Price of publication or new similar publication as replacement. Price of publication will be a minimum of 25 €. Handling costs of 30 € will be added to the final invoice.

Inter-library service (ILL)

  • For the staff of HAMK and HAMI: free of charge for work purposes.
  • For the students of HAMK and HAMI: free of charge for study purposes.
  • Fine for an inter-library loan not collected in time: 10 €
  • For other customers: 10 € per request from Finland, 20 € per request from abroad.
  • Payment for overdue ILL loans: according to the price list of the lending library.
  • Payment for a lost inter-library loan: According to the price list of the lending library + HAMK Library’s handling costs 30 €.

Inter-library service (ILL) for requesting libraries

  • Loans 10 €.
  • Payment for a lost inter-library loan + the handling costs per item: price of publication (minimum €25) + handling costs 30 € / invoice.
  • Photocopies for first twenty pages 10 €, for the next 10 pages 5 €.
  • Express delivery payment 10 €.

Information services

  • Information seeking guidance for the staff and students of HAMK: free of charge.
  • Information search service for the staff and students of HAMK: according to agreement at cost price.
  • Information search service for other customers 35 €/hour + VAT 24%


  • Cash-on-delivery payment for regular or inter-library loans 15 €

If reading printed text is difficult for you due to a disability, illness, or a similar reason, you can join Celia’s audio book service. Please contact the library customer service to learn more.

Registering as a Celia customer

HAMK library staff can help you to become a Celia customer. During a brief interview, we will create Celianet credentials for you, as well as guide you on the use of their services. We recommend you reserve at least half an hour for the customer interview. Please leave a contact request to the library customer service email:

Ordering textbooks

If the textbook you need or the book required for your thesis is not available on Celianet, please contact the library. If the book is not available in an accessible format, the library will send a production request to Celia. The production process takes approximately three months.

Additional information: Celia textbooks for schoolchildren and students

Library rules for HAMK library and information services

The library and information services of Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) consist of local and network services.


Häme University of Applied Sciences library (later: library) is open to the public. Some of the library services may apply only to the students and staff of Häme University of Applied Sciences and Häme Vocational Institute. Customers may lose their user rights if they fail to comply with the library rules or if their balance of payments exceed the limit set in the library tariffs.


The HAMK library card must be presented when borrowing from the library. A customer can get the library card after registration. Within registration one must present a valid identity card. The library card is personal and the holder of the card is responsible for the material borrowed with it. The library must be notified of changes in address or name, and of loss of the library card.


The HAMK library card must be presented when borrowing. The number of simultaneous loans per customer is restricted. Items out on loan can be reserved. The first overdue notice will be sent seven days after the due date and after that two more notices at one-week intervals. Library is not able to guarantee the customer will always receive the sent email.


The loan period varies according to the type of material. Loans have to be returned or renewed by the due date. The number of renewals is restricted. Some of the material is not lent out. In many of our campus libraries you can return your loans to a special return box when the library is closed. Please note that you do this at your own risk. You are liable to pay compensation if the returned items are damaged or stolen.


Fees and fines will be charged according to the library tariff. Fines are charged after the due date even if the customer has not received an overdue notice. When a loan is 21 days overdue, the customers’ borrowing rights are suspended and a replacement cost for the overdue loan is added to their fees. By returning or replacing the loan and by paying the overdue fees customers will have their borrowing rights restored. When a loan is 28 days overdue, the library will send an invoice with a handling fee added to it according to the library tariffs. In accordance with HAMK Ltd’s debt collection practices unpaid invoices will be collected by a debt collection agency.


The library offers customers databases and other information sources and supervises and teaches customers on how to use them. A listed price will be charged on information services.


Material that is not in the holdings of the library or other local libraries can be requested for an inter-library loan. A listed price will be charged on inter-library services. The library complies with the national rules for inter-library services.


When using the information sources of HAMK web library a customer must follow the rules and instructions given in the library’s web pages or by the library staff.


When using the library’s premises and equipment, the customer must follow the instructions given by the library.


The library customer register is used for library purposes only and will not be released to outside parties. The customer has the right to know what information has been saved on them to the register. The library reserves the right to use the social security number in its customer register. (Personal Data File and Act 523/1999 13§).
A customer can give feedback on the library services and products online or to any HAMK library.

Approved on October 23rd 2018

Other customers

You are welcome to HAMK library even if you don’t study or work in HAMK or HAMI. The customer service is mainly in Hämeenlinna university campus library. You can get a library card by filling out library card application. You can have 20 borrowed books simultaneously.

Almost all e-services are available in the library. You can reserve books from any campus library, renew your loans and pay fees in HAMK Finna. Log in with you library card number and PIN-code.

Self-service library

Students and staff of HAMK and HAMI can use the facilities and materials of HAMK campus libraries also on their own outside of the library’s service hours. Self-service is available in all HAMK campus libraries.

You can acces the library with your personal key card to the campus. The key card is either activated to your student card or a separate key fob. When you have access to the campus, you have access to the library too. You will have to leave the premises before the alarms are turned on.

Your personal key card is only for your own use, it is forbidden to even temporarily hand it over to someone else. It is also forbidden to let anyone else into the library premises with your card. If you are in the library when the library closes and the library self-service hours begin, you will have to check in to the library with your key card. You can do this at the library door.

You can borrow and return material using the self-check machines. You can also study and use the library premises and equipment that are meant for library customers. If the self-check machines are not working for any reason, you’re not allowed to take the material out of the library. You can only take out books that are borrowed to you.

Use the library main doors for entrance and exit. Emergency exits are only for emergencies.

There are surveillance cameras in the campus libraries. The data will be used to solve any issues and to prevent them.

What can you do during the self-service hours?

During your time at the library you can:

  • Borrow material using the self-check machine
  • Return loans with the self-check machine
  • Pick up and borrow reservations
  • Pick up inter-library loans
  • Use the library’s collections
  • Use computers, printers, scanners and other equipment in the library
  • Use the library’s premises to study
  • Apply for a library card in Tuudo if you are a student at HAMK
  • Read magazines in the library

Please respect the privacy of others and keep the environment tidy!

Violating the rules leads to loss of self-service use rights.

Preconditions for self-service use

HAMK and HAMI students have the right to use the campus library independently when library staff is not present. This is called library self-service. In order to access the library premises the students have to use their personal access control card (Esmikko). (There is a separate set of rules for Esmikko use.) This independent use is possible only when it is permitted to access the building.
There is a product and video surveillance system operating in HAMK campus libraries. In case there are any unclarities, library will check the persons involved and the events from Esmikko user registry and from video surveillance files. All serious incidents are informed to public authorities.

Rules for self-service use

Anyone accessing the library premises have to use their own personal Esmikko card. It is forbidden to even temporarily hand over one’s card to another person nor is it allowed to let anyone else into the library premises.
All material have to be borrowed before it is taken out from the library premises. If the self-check machine is out of order for any reason, it is forbidden to take library materials outside of the library.
The library customer premises are freely available during the independent use time. On the other hand, the library staff premises and equipment or any closed collections are not for use.
Everyone must behave well and maintain order and tidiness within the premises. Exit only through the same door used for entering the premises. Emergency exits are only for emergency cases and any unfounded use of them will cause loss of right of use.
The students must prepare to prove their identity by presenting their official identity card to HAMK or HAMI personnel or security guard when in the library premises outside office hours. Respectively the students are entitled to ask for the personnel member or guard for their proof of identity.
Inform the library or campus host of any problems occurring during self-service as soon as possible.

Losing the right of use

The misuse of Esmikko card will always cause the user to lose their right of library self-service use. Furthermore, violating the library rules also leads to loss of library self-service use rights.
By committing to obey the HAMK library general rules the student also commits to follow the rules for HAMK campus libraries self-service.

Using library collections

The library collections represent HAMK study fields. The physical collections are located in the Hämeenlinna University Centre Library and six campus libraries. You can freely order books between campuses.

The majority of our printed books are in the lending collection, with a loan period of 28 days. Printed books used as module literature and supplementary materials for teaching are also placed in the lending collection. We also provide access to several e-book collections. You can find information about our collections on HAMK Finna.

The journal collection focuses on professional and scientific information, and consists of both printed and e-journals. Printed journals are located on campus, where they can be used inside the library. Access to all e-journals is on HAMK Finna.

HAMK theses can be found in Theseus or HAMK electronic archive. HAMK library does not have printed copies of theses. Information about the theses stored in the electronic archive can be found on HAMK Finna. External customers can access HAMK electronic archive within the library premises.

Always use the links in HAMK Finna to access HAMK e-resources. The use of e-collections requires HAKA login with HAMK credentials. Open access resources available on HAMK Finna can be accessed without logging in.

You can find HAMK library e-resources, their terms of use, as well as user guides and instructions on HAMK Finna.

The museum collections of Evo, Lepaa, and Mustiala are partially cataloged, and their metadata is accessible on HAMK Finna. HAMK museum collections are closed for public, and not available for interlibrary lending. The use of museum collections for research or study purposes can be granted upon consideration.

The library selects materials for each campus collection according to common acquisition principles. You can submit a proposal to the library for the acquisition of specific material.
The proposed title is typically acquired if it supports learning at HAMK and is no older than a few years. Older titles or those outside our study fields can be ordered as an interlibrary loan from elsewhere.