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Home Student pages Services for Students Library and Information Services

Library and Information Services

HAMK library is open to everyone, and its printed collections are available for all to use.

HAMK Finna is our online library where you can easily and quickly find all the materials offered by our library.

Library opening hours and contact information

HAMK library customer service is available at all seven campuses. Our remote services by phone and email are available according to the Hämeenlinna University Centre library service hours: from Monday to Thursday 9 am to 3 pm, and on Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. We will help you through the same phone number and email address about matters concerning any campus library.

Tel. +358 3 646 4700


With the Libgo video device, you can ask for assistance at the campus libraries in Evo, Forssa, Lepaa, Mustiala, Riihimäki, and Valkeakoski.

Contact us

If you are unsure about where to send your question, you can always send it to our customer service email We will forward your message to the right person.

Contact our collection services, if

  • you would like to suggest new material to the library
  • you have a question about our collections or e-materials
  • you have problems with our e-material
  • you are teaching at HAMK and you need a staff loan.

Contact our inter-library loan services, if

  • you are HAMK library customer and you would like to order an inter-library loan from some other library
  • you are working in a library, and you would like to get an inter-library loan from us.

Contact publishing services, if you have questions about

  • publication channels
  • coaching for publishing
  • publishing in general.

Contact publication data collection services, if you have questions about

  • publication data collection
  • publishing fees.

Contact our teaching and guidance services, if

  • you need help with information searching tarvitset apua tiedonhakuun
  • you have questions about using Zotero sinulla on kysyttävää Zoteron käytöstä
  • you are teaching at HAMK and you need teaching about information searching for your students.

Contact thesis archiving services, if you have questions about uploading your thesis to Theseus or HAMK’s internal thesis archive.

More information about campus libraries


The library doors are open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm, when anyone is welcome to come borrow and return books independently.


Vankanlähde 9, N-building, 2nd floor – Parking on the Vankanlähde side behind the N-building.

Returning loans

When the library is closed, you can return your loans to the return boxes outside the library doors in buildings C and D, 2nd floor. There is also a return box outside building D, in Visakaarre street, next to the main entrance where you can leave your loans when the building is closed. If you want to return books by mail, the address is HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the second floor with an elevator and entrance on both sides in C and D buildings. Entrance from C building is accessible (a ramp). Entrance from D building has a small doorstep. The library’s doors are quite heavy and they do not open automatically.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. HAMK Finna browsing computers can also be adjusted, but it requires pushing the table downwards. Library shelves are tall. You can find one and two step stepladders on the end of the shelves. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves. The library customer service desk has a hearing loop (audio induction loop).

Facilities and equipment

Printing, scanning and copying

There is a multi function printer (Konica Minolta) for printing, scanning and copying in the library. You will need to log in and release your prints with your HAMK key card or your HAMK ID. You can colour print, scan and copy A4 and A3 on the multi function printer. Printing and scanning are also available in the campus computer labs.

The armchairs and sofas in the library are free to use.

Group workspaces

There are three group study rooms in the Hämeenlinna university centre library. They are called Ida, Juuli and Theseus. The rooms are for six people each and they all have a big screen in them. Reserve them in Tuudo. You can use the library for studying outside the library opening hours with your HAMK key card.

Quiet work spaces for working alone are available in B-Building, rooms B-163-171. Reserve a space in Tuudo.



Saarelantie 1, 16970 Evo

Returning loans

You can return books in the library with the self-check machine. If you want to return books by mail, please use Hämeenlinna campus address: HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the second floor. There is an elevator in the building. The library’s doorway is very narrow and probably isn’t suitable for a wheelchair. It has a high doorstep too and the library doors do not open automatically.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves.

Facilities and equipment

There is no printer in the library. Student printing can be found in the cellar. You can freely use the library for studying.



Wahreninkatu 11, 30100 Forssa
Visiting address: Kehräämö, D-block, 2nd floor.

Returning loans

If you don’t have a key card, you can return books to the return box in the corridor next to the library door. Please note that books in the return box are usually processed once a week on the day the library is open. If the due date is earlier, a late fee will be charged. If you want to return books by mail, please use Hämeenlinna campus address: HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the second floor with elevator access. The library’s door is very narrow, but the other side of the door can be opened too.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. Library shelves are tall. There is one stepladder for use. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves.

Facilities and equipment

There are three computers in the library.
You can print to the campus multi function printer FO-3krs-copier from all the computer labs. The printer is located in the lobby in the third floor. Colour printing is also available.
You can use the campus multi funtion printer as a scanner.
There is a group study room for 4–6 people in the library.



Lepaantie 129, 14610 Lepaa. Visiting address: main building.

Returning loans

If you don’t have a key card, you can return your loans to the return box outside the library front door. Please note that books returned to the box will be processed once a week when the library has customer service hours. If the due date is before that, there will be a late fee. If you want to return books by mail, please use Hämeenlinna campus address: HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the first floor. The library’s door does not open automatically.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. Library shelves are tall. There is one stepladder for use at the back of the library space in front of the staff’s space. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves.

Facilities and equipment

Printing is only available in the computer labs. There is no printer in the library. A scanner is available in the library.

You can use the library reading room for group studying.



Mustialantie 105, 31310 Mustiala. Visiting address: Uusi päärakennus, 2. floor

Returning loans

If you don’t have a key card, you can return your loans to the return box outside the library front door. Please note that books returned to the box will be processed once a week when the library has customer service hours. If the due date is before that, there will be a late fee. If you want to return books by mail, please use Hämeenlinna campus address: HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the second floor with no elevator access. Please contact the library customer service if you cannot access the library.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. Library shelves are tall. There is a step-ladder you can use next to HAMK Finna browsing computer. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves. The shelf number map is located on the wall next to the door between the study space and library space.

Facilities and equipment

There is a multi function printer (Konica Minolta) for printing, scanning and copying in the library reading room. You can colour print, scan and copy A4 and A3 on the multi function printer.
You can use the library reading room as a group study room. There are two big tables for 10 and 12 people each and two quiet chairs.



Kaartokatu 2, 11100 Riihimäki. Visiting address: B-wing, 2nd floor, access from the stairs behind the campus info desk.

Returning loans

If you don’t have a key card, you can return your loans at the return box outside the library front door. Please note that books returned to the box will be processed once a week when the library has customer service hours. If the due date is before that, there will be a late fee. If you want to return books by mail, please use Hämeenlinna campus address: HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the second floor with elevator access. The library’s doors do not open automatically.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. There are both tall and short shelves. There are two stepladders for use. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves.

Facilities and equipment

There is no printer or scanner for students in the library. There is a multi function printer KonicaMinolta for printing, scanning and copying in the campus D wing, on the 2nd floor.
There are two computers, group study rooms and two two-person study spaces in the Learning Lounge next to the library. The Learning Lounge is free to use for group study as well.



Tietotie 1, 37630 Valkeakoski. Visiting address: Lotilantie 16 (A-building).

Returning loans

You need a key card to enter A-building. Please return books with the self-check machine. If you leave books in the return box, please note that they will be processed once a week when the library has customer service hours. If the due date is before that, there will be a late fee. If you want to return books by mail, please use Hämeenlinna campus address: HAMK kirjasto, Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna.


The library is located on the first floor. Access through building B. Doors in building B open automatically, doors in building A do not. There is a slight uphill between the buildings when coming to building A.

You can adjust the self-check machine’s height from the buttons on the side of the table. Library shelves are tall. There is one stepladder next to the staff’s room. Shelf numbers are listed on the end of the shelves.

Facilities and equipment

You can use the library for group studying. Printer is in B-building.