Study Guidance
As a university student, you are responsible for the progress of your studies. However, you will receive guidance whenever you need it. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!
Guidance and counselling to support your studies
Guidance is a holistic support system that ensures the smooth progress of your studies, the development of your skills, your well-being, and your growth as an expert. At HAMK, you will receive guidance at different stages of your studies whenever you need it. You are primarily responsible for the progress of your studies, so your own initiative is crucial for receiving guidance. Therefore, don’t hesitate to ask for help, we are here to assist you!
You can receive guidance for creating and updating your personal study plan (PSP), completing courses, modules, and work placement, going on and returning from student exchange, writing your thesis, graduating, and career planning. You can also get support for your well-being and challenges related to studying and learning.
Guidance at HAMK is diverse and multifaceted. It includes announcements and other study-related communication, orientation days, program organized by peer tutors, information sessions, information available on HAMK’s website, student instructions, guidance during lessons and lectures, group work guidance, and personal guidance meetings.
At HAMK, the entire staff participates in guiding students. There are many different degree programmes at HAMK, so the division of guidance work may vary between programmes. Below you will find the main points of the division of guidance work. If you need guidance on a specific topic, contact the relevant person or unit. If you are unsure who to contact, reach out to your guidance counsellor.
Becoming a Student at HAMK
When you have questions regarding enrolling for the academic year or about your study right, contact HAMK’s Student Services.
Planning your Studies
- Planning your studies webpage
- Personal study plan (PSP)
- Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
- Exchange studies and internationality NOTE! You can find the instructions via the link, but if you are considering going on an exchange, first contact your guidance counsellor.
Wellbeing and Learning Challenges
If you need help for matters related to study skills, learning difficulties, wellbeing, or challenges in studying, please contact Student Wellbeing Services.
Student Healthcare Services (FSHS) help you with health-related matters.
Completing Studies and Work Placement
For questions related to enrolling in and completing courses and modules, the teachers of the respective courses and modules will assist you.
For questions related to work placement, the work placement supervisors of your degree programme will assist you.
For other study-related questions, your tutor teachers/group advisors and guidance counsellor will also help you.
When you need books, journals, electronic materials, or help with information retrieval, the Library and Information Services will assist you.
Final Stages of Studies
- Thesis: If needed, ask for help from the thesis supervisors of your degree programme.
- Graduation: If needed, ask for help from your guidance counsellor.
Support from your guidance counsellor
If you have a matter and don’t know who to ask, you can turn to your guidance counsellor.
Your guidance counsellor knows, for example, who is responsible for matters related to internships or theses in your program. You can find the contact information for guidance counsellors below.
Guidance Counsellors
Bachelor’s degrees in English

Please notice: contact us by email:
Your guidance counsellors:

Please notice: contact us by email:
Your guidance counsellor:

Please notice: contact us by email:
Your guidance counsellor:

Please notice: contact us by email:
Your guidance counsellor:

Master’s degrees in English
Please notice: contact us by email:

Professional teacher education

Continuous learning