Language and communication studies
Language, communication and international skills are essential for working life in all sectors.
The aim of the UAS’s practical language and communication studies is fluency in a variety of workplace interactions.
General information on language and communication studies
Language and communication skills are key competences in all fields of work. At HAMK, you will develop language and communication skills that enhance your employability and help you interact effectively at work.
A bachelor’s degree includes at least 15 credits of language and communication studies. The languages you study are determined by your educational background, that is, where you studied before HAMK and which languages were part of your previous curriculum. English-taught degrees may also include other studies in Finnish that support employment in Finland.
Language and communication studies can be integrated to other professional studies, which may include international projects.
To support you in your studies, HAMK offers preparatory courses in languages and communication. Additional language and communication studies at different language levels are also available through the KiVANET language teaching network.
In English, the aim is to achieve proficiency level B2 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The proficiency level target for Finnish is A2. For further information, see the CEFR assessment grid.
The languages you study are determined by your educational background, that is, where you studied before HAMK and which languages were part of your previous curriculum. One of the following definitions may apply to you:
Study Background | Language Studies in your Degree |
Secondary education completed outside Finland | Finnish as a Second Language (10 ECTS), English and Communication studies according to your degree requirements |
Secondary education completed in Finland, mother tongue syllabus in Finnish as a second language (suomi toisena kielenä) | Finnish as a Second Language (10 ECTS), English and Communication studies according to your degree requirements |
Secondary education completed in Finland, mother tongue syllabus (äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppimäärä) in Finnish | Swedish (5 ECTS), English and Communication studies according to your degree requirements |
Secondary education completed in Finland, mother tongue syllabus (modersmål och litteratur) in Swedish | Finnish skills demonstration exam (5 ECTS), English and communication studies according to your degree requirements |
If you have completed both your comprehensive and secondary education (peruskoulu, ammattikoulu/lukio) in Finland, please check the Finnish website for more details Kieli- ja viestintäopinnot HAMKissa.
Please note that the languages you studied in vocational school (ammattikoulu) do not determine the languages you will study as part of your bachelor’s degree.
Fee-paying students may apply for a scholarship based on study progress and Finnish language proficiency.
Language proficiency can be demonstrated only by a language test organised by HAMK or by a national certificate of language proficiency (YKI certificate). Please note that the language test for the scholarship programme is not part of the compulsory Finnish courses in your degree.
For further information on the language test, see Finnish language test for scholarship programme.
Language and communication studies can only be recognised if they are of the same level and completed at a higher education institution. If you are proficient in a language, but have no official certificates, you may demonstrate your skills via the skills demonstration procedure.
For further information on the principles of recognition and accreditation of prior learning (RPL), see Recognition of Prior Learning.
A student may be exempted from compulsory language studies for special reasons, such as severe dyslexia. Students exempted from compulsory language studies must complete a corresponding number of credits in other studies.
The international students write the thesis and the abstract in English in English-taught bachelor’s degree programmes. Their language is reviewed by an English teacher. The maturity test related to the thesis is written in English and reviewed by thesis supervisor.
The language of Master’s theses is not reviewed. A maturity test is not required in Master’s programmes. Instead, the student will write a press release about the main research findings of their Master’s thesis. The international students write the press release in English in English-taught degree programmes.
The Bachelor’s thesis process also includes a compulsory maturity test. Under section 8 of the Universities of Applied Sciences Decree (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakouluista 2014/1129., 2020), to complete their Bachelor’s degree, the student shall write a maturity test on the field of their thesis to demonstrate their knowledge of the field and proficiency in Finnish or Swedish.
If the student has received their primary and secondary education in Finnish or Swedish, the maturity test will be taken in their language of education. If the student has received their primary and secondary education in a language other than Finnish or Swedish, they primarily take the maturity test in English.
Instructions regarding the maturity test can be found on HAMK’s thesis page.