Courses abroad
Do you want to give studying abroad a try or are you interested in learning with an international group? Or maybe you don’t feel like leaving home for a long time? Short-term exchanges might be the right fit for you! For grant purposes, all exchanges under 30 days in duration are classified as short-term. Read more about the different opportunities below.
Application timetables for short-term exchanges
Short-term exchange studies are organized around the year and are available for all HAMK students. All short-term exchanges have their course specific deadlines for application. For working abroad, the application is continuous around the year.
The short-term study exchange grants are paid fully before the start of the exchange. Please remember to start the application process in time so that you can receive the grant before traveling. Grants are not paid retrospectively/after you have already finished your period abroad, so make sure to apply it before the exchange period begins.

Types of short-term exchanges
- Short Advanced Programmes (SAPs) are offered by RUN European University network and they are always hosted by HAMK or one of the RUN-EU partners abroad.
- SAPs are courses that give you ECTS credits, but with an international twist: besides online teaching, they always include a short exchange period.
- To participate, you will have to apply for the course via RUN-EU website. To receive a grant, you will also have to leave an application to HAMK’s SoleMove system.
- The amount of times you can participate on SAPs is limited to a maximum of once per semester and a maximum of four times during your studies.
Include a short-term exchange period and a compulsory virtual component.
- The exchange period is between 5 and 30 days.
- The duration of the virtual session is not explicitly defined.
- The minimum duration of the whole course is 3 credits (= short-term exchange + virtual course).
- Studies abroad are applicable to the degree and the period abroad is fully recognized as part of the degree.
- Short-term exchanges can take the form of summer schools or intensive courses at our partners institutions abroad. BIP studies are a type of short-term mobilities that are organized by multiple higher education institutions in cooperation.
We primarily recommend long-term (minimum of 2 months) traineeships abroad. Please have a look at the application process in detail here: https://www.hamk.fi/?page_id=651970&preview=true
If you still think it would be better for your studies to only work abroad for a shorter period, please contact us at HAMK International and we can find a suitable solution for you.
Participating on a SAP
All SAP courses are listed on the RUN-EU website under Learning Opportunities: Learning Opportunities | RUN-EU
Once you know which course interests you the most, you can apply directly in the RUN-EU website.
The selection of SAP participants is done by the university hosting the course. The host will notify you via email only if you are selected and inform HAMK staff directly. You will soon also receive further instructions from HAMK.
This is a good time to also let your guidance counsellor know that you are participating on a SAP if you have not already done so.
After being selected by the host, you will also have to complete an application form for short-term exchange in SoleMove. This is required to include the study credits in your degree.
Please remember to add the signed grant agreement and SAP program as attachments to the application, both sent to you via email from HAMK.
One last application form before you are good to go! After having your SoleMove application approved, we still need your bank details for grant payment. You will receive instructions automatically to your email.
Please remember to attach the Acceptance Letter you received from the host university! It is usually an email saying that you got accepted to the SAP.
For SAP studies, you will be awarded a grant to support you with the travel costs(based on the distance to the destination) and subsistence costs (based on the cost of living in the destination country). In addition, you might be entitled to Green travel grant if you choose to travel by land and a Fewer opportunities top-up and inclusion support if you for example have underage children. If you are interested, please contact HAMK International.
The total grants for SAPs are:
Austria: 862e
Belgium: 862e
Ireland: 948e
Netherlands: 862e
Portugal: 1133e
Spain: 948e
The grant is paid in a single installment after you have completed the required applications with their attachments. Please start the application process well in advance, so that you can receive the grant before you travel.
If you are applicable for Finnish financial aid, you can also receive it when you are abroad. The grant has no effect on student financial aid.
Fewer opportunities top-up
The Erasmus+ programme pays a ‘fewer opportunities top-up’ to students who have fewer opportunities to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. This category includes: family members (with minor children to care for even if they stay in their home country), carers (with a carer’s agreement with the municipality), disabled persons (at least moderate functional impairment), students with serious or chronic health problems, or students granted international protection.
The additional allowance for a SAP is €100.
Eligibility for the top-up support is proven with the declaration on honour signed by the student and HAMK. It is then uploaded to the SoleGrant grant application.
Special needs and inclusion support
In addition to the fixed fewer opportunities supplement mentioned above, students can also apply for and receive an inclusion grant based on actual costs if they have more or different costs than the fixed grant covers, or if they also have other obstacles to the mobility period than the one on the basis of which the fixed supplement was granted.
More information on the website of the Finnish National Board of Education.
When accepting the grant, you agree to the following conditions:
- to follow the RUN EU-SAP study programme;
- to participate on SAPs maximum once per semester and in total maximum four times during your studies;
- to take care of the necessary permits, insurances and vaccinations;
- to submit the necessary documents and reports according to given instructions and on time;
- to repay the grant in full or partially if you cancel or interrupt your mobility period abroad, if you do not upload all required documents in SoleMOVE when you return or you do not receive the required number of credits.
- to participate only one exchange period at a time.
- to apply for only one EU or EDUFI funded programme at a time.
Please remember to complete the after exchange -section in SoleMove.

Participating on Erasmus+ short-term mobility
- -Participation on a BIP is most commonly organized by your teacher: they will find an interesting BIP and inform you of the possibility to participate
- -Another option for short term mobility is finding courses that are organized by our partners independently. The best way to do so is to find a partner from SoleMove and then browse their website for open courses. Often the short term mobilities are offered during summer in summer schools
- -If you found an interesting course independently, please still contact your guidance counsellor and HAMK International before applying
Once you have successfully applied to a short term exchange, please create an application in SoleMove: solemove_outgoing_short_mobility_instructions.pdf (hamk.fi)
-Remember to use the short term exchanges application template
-Please attach the program of your exchange, including the days of physical mobility.
After your SoleMove application has been approved, please complete your Online Learning Agreement (OLA). This is a document stating which studies will be a part of your exchange.
Once your Learning Agreement has been approved by HAMK and the hosting organization, you are ready to apply for your grant in SoleGrant: solegrant_instructions_outgoing_students_2020-1.pdf (hamk.fi
Please remember to attach your Acceptance Letter. This is most often an email sent to you by the host, confirming that you are accepted to participate on the exchange.
For exchanges that are longer than one week, 80% of the grant will be paid once you have completed your application and last 20% once you have completed all your after exchange tasks.
- For the first 5-14 days abroad the grant is 79e / day
- For days after that, 15-30 days, the grant is 56e / day
- You are also entitled to travel support based on the distance to the destination. If you choose to travel mostly by land, you might be entitled to Green travel support in addition.
- In addition, you might be entitled to a Fewer opportunities top-up or inclusion support if you for example have underage children. If you are interested, please contact HAMK International.
- It is possible to apply for a grant also for one travel day before and after your exchange or in case of green travel, 3 days before and 3 days after
Fewer opportunities top-up
The Erasmus+ programme pays a ‘fewer opportunities top-up’ to students who have fewer opportunities to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. This category includes: family members (with minor children to care for even if they stay in their home country), carers (with a carer’s agreement with the municipality), disabled persons (at least moderate functional impairment), students with serious or chronic health problems, or students granted international protection.
The amount of the additional allowance depends on the length of your mobility period:
Duration 5-14 days: €100
Duration 15-60 days: €150
Eligibility for the top-up support is proven with the declaration on honour signed by the student and HAMK. It is then uploaded to the SoleGrant grant application.
Special needs and inclusion support
In addition to the fixed fewer opportunities supplement mentioned above, students can also apply for and receive an inclusion grant based on actual costs if they have more or different costs than the fixed grant covers, or if they also have other obstacles to the mobility period than the one on the basis of which the fixed supplement was granted.
More information on the website of the Finnish National Board of Education.
When accepting the grant, you agree to the following conditions:
- to follow the short term exchange’s study programme;
- to take care of the necessary permits, insurances and vaccinations;
- to submit the necessary documents and reports according to given instructions and on time;
- to repay the grant in full or partially if you cancel or interrupt your mobility period abroad, if you do not upload all required documents in SoleMOVE when you return or you do not receive the required number of credits.
- to participate only one exchange period at a time.
- to apply for only one EU or EDUFI funded programme at a time.
Please remember to complete the after exchange -section in SoleMove, leave feedback to help the next people going on exchange and attach the document confirming your completed studies and dates of completion.
If you receive a link requesting you to reply to EU Survey, please take a moment to answer. It is important feedback for the programme and completing it is one of your grant conditions.
Make an application for accreditation of your studies in Pakki. It should be accompanied by a Transcript of Records (copy). The application for admission to study is made together with your advisor.
Practicalities before you go
Once the exchange location is confirmed, you can then make the practical arrangements, such as booking airline tickets, obtaining a visa/residency permit, finding accommodation, etc.
It is also worth finding out whether the host university or organisation can help you with finding accommodation and other practical matters.
About HAMK’s accident insurance
HAMK’s accident insurance is valid for student exchanges and unpaid internships and only covers the daily internship/study period and the journey between the internship/school and the local residence. The HAMK accident insurance does not cover accidents during free time, travel sickness, luggage or damage to persons or property caused to others. It is therefore the responsibility of each exchange student to ensure that he/she has adequate insurance cover, in accordance with the following guidelines. You must not go on an exchange without adequate insurance cover.
- Travel insurance
You must have your own travel insurance for the duration of your exchange, check with your insurance company. Travel insurance does not usually cover normal medical expenses, so you will need separate sickness and accident insurance or a European Health Insurance Card. - a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) if you are going to an EU/EEA country or Switzerland.
For more information, see European Health Insurance Card
Each country provides care according to its own system. You will have to pay the same patient fees and co-payments as permanent residents. If you go to a hospital or doctor who is not covered by the scheme in that country, you will have to pay the costs yourself.
health insurance/sickness and accident insurance if you go outside the EU/EEA countries.
Sometimes the host country or institution will recommend a particular type of insurance, but usually it is sufficient to have a comprehensive policy.
A few non-EEA countries have signed a social security agreement with Finland, for more information, please visit the Kela website: Social security agreements
If the host institution or employer asks for a HAMK certificate of insurance (an English-language explanation of what the HAMK’s insurance covers for its students), you can get it from the HAMK office ( international@hamk.fi )
- Does the employer’s insurance include liability insurance?
If your employer does not include you in their liability insurance, the work placement will most likely not be possible, as it is almost impossible for an individual to obtain liability insurance for the duration of their work. - Insurance during working hours
In paid work placements, you are usually insured by your employer for the time you work, but different countries have different practices, so check this carefully. Note! HAMK’s accident insurance is not valid for paid work placements. Therefore, if your employer does not insure you during your working hours, you will have to take out accident and sickness insurance yourself, both during working hours and during your free time.
NOTE: Internships for recent graduates
HAMK’s insurance does not cover the internship period of recent graduates.
Insurance abroad – who is responsible?
Insurance glossary
Travel insurance = Travel insurance protects and compensates you if something happens during your trip. Check the conditions with your insurance company.
Liability insurance = Liability insurance is insurance that covers damage you cause to third parties for which you are legally responsible.
Before you go abroad, it’s good to remember:
- Check the vaccinations required by the destination country and get them well in advance. In some countries, vaccinations are compulsory for visas, but it is always a good idea to get the recommended vaccinations.
- Check out the EU health care website EUtervey.fi for information on getting sick when travelling abroad.
- Visit your doctor, especially if you take regular medication.
Also check out:
1. Health guide for travellers (only in Finnish)
To Europe
If you are an EU national going to another EU country:
You do not need to obtain a residence permit or visa in advance from Finland when you go on an exchange. If your stay abroad lasts longer than 3 months, in some countries you will need to register your residence permit. This is usually done with the local police or other authority.
Check with your host university or traineeship centre to see which documents are required in your host country. You will usually need a valid passport, proof of place of study, a guarantee of sufficient funds (e.g. study grant decision, scholarship decision), proof of health insurance (Kela E-form) and passport photos.
If you are a non-EU or EEA national going to an EU country:
If you are not an EU or EEA national, check the residence permit requirements. As a general rule, third-country nationals should always apply for a separate residence permit for the exchange period at the nearest consulate of the country of destination.
Outside Europe
If you are travelling outside the EU:
Check visa regulations. For more information on visas and residence permits, contact the Finnish embassy in the country of destination.
Visa and/or residence permit can be obtained from the Finnish embassy in the country of destination before your departure and can take from a few weeks to a few months.
Research the typical safety risks of your destination. For example Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates the safety status of all countries on their website (unfortunately only in Finnish) Matkustustiedotteet – Ulkoministeriö (um.fi)
If you are going to a high-risk area, you should make a travel notification at www.matkustusilmoitus.fi .
By making a declaration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can contact you if necessary, for example in the event of a crisis situation.
Green travel
Have you considered traveling by land instead of flying? You are entitled to more paid travel days and a higher travel grant if you choose to travel green.
More information from HAMK International as well as for example from | Green Erasmus
Sustainability in destination
What are the things that you need to take with you? Is there something you could by second hand while in destination? What is your impact on local economy, culture and nature? There are many choices you can make, but often they can be difficult to acknowledge. Have a look at online resources, for example Travel Better (sustainabletravel.org) to gain some insights for better travel.