Semester or academic year abroad
To get the most out of your student exchange experience, consider spending a semester or an entire academic year abroad. More time means more opportunities to familiarize yourself with the local culture, make new friends and improve your language skills.
Application deadlines for student exchange
It’s a good idea to start preparing for the exchange as early as possible. Please carefully read the “preparing for your exchange studies” section and explore interesting options by visiting the websites of our partner institutions. It is also important to contact HAMK International in good time. The dates below are the last possible dates to leave your finalized application in SoleMove.
Spring timetable: applications for Autumn semester
- Application closes 15.3.
- Applications will be processed by SoleMove by 30.3.
Autumn timetable: applications for Spring semester
- Application closes 15.9.
- Applications will be processed by SoleMove by 30.9.
Remember to also check your exchange destination’s own application timetable.
Double Degree

Preparing for your exchange studies
All degree students who have completed at least the first year of their studies and who have made progress in their studies in accordance with their personal study plan can go abroad. The appropriate time for exchange depends on your study programme, so if you are unsure, please contact your guidance counsellor.
Long term student exchanges are 2-12 months in duration, but a semester or academic year is recommended.
When you are considering studies abroad, we are happy to help you forward with any of the steps below!
You can best reach us by emailing us at outgoing@hamk.fi Our team will help you with the application process and finding information about the practical steps of living abroad.
The information and feedback from the partner universities is collected in the SoleMOVE system. To browse HAMK’s partner universities, please follow these steps:
- In your browser, go to https://saas.solenovo.fi/solemove/
- In the Login frame, select Häme University on Applied Sciences (HAMK) from the drop-down menu, but do not log in yet.
- Above the login window, select ”Exchange Destinations Abroad and feedback”.
- The “Going Abroad” search page opens on this page. For example, you can search for exchanges via the “Your home unit” section on the page, which will show you the exchanges for your school. You can use the Advanced search function to search for exchange destinations by country, for example.
- The search results appear below the map. Clicking on a location will open up more detailed information about the partner school and the feedback from students who have already been there.
Eligibility for the grant
- a minimum duration of 2 months (= 60 days) and a maximum duration of 12 months for student exchanges or Double Degrees.
- credits in a foreign higher education institution must accumulate 5 credits / month
- studies abroad are relevant to the degree and the period abroad is fully recognized as part of the degree.
- you can participate only one exchange period at a time.
- The maximum duration of an Erasmus+ study or work placement period is 12 months at each stage of your studies ( Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD). If 12 months are exceeded, the excess period will be paid from HAMK funds.
Selection criteria
As a general rule, all students will be able to go to the exchange destination of their choice. If there are more applicants than places available, the selection will be based on the following selection criteria:
- First-timer status: a student applying for an exchange for the first time has priority over a student who has already been on an exchange before.
- Stage of studies: first priority is given to the student who has the last chance to go on an exchange period before graduation.
- Study progress: the exchange student’s studies must have progressed in accordance with the study plan.
If there are more applicants than places, the first choice will be made according to the selection criteria mentioned above. If there are still more applicants than places, a lottery will be held to select the remaining applicants.
Note: You can only go on exchange to South Korea and the USA for one semester.
Grants and funding
The amount of grant for studies depends on the country you are studying in and the duration of your studies.
The grant will be paid based on the amount of days you are in the destination for your studies, usually starting with orientation days and ending with final exams. These dates are mentioned in the Acceptance Letter sent to you by the host university before your exchange and confirmed by Letter of Confirmation at the end of your exchange. Grants for non-full months are calculated as a proportion of the full month’s grant.
Please also read below about travel grant, fewer opportunities and inclusion support and other funding.
For the following countries (Category 1) the grant is 540e per full month of studies: Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland* and the United Kingdom*.
For the following countries (Category 2) the grant is 490e per full month of studies: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey.
For partner universities in countries not listed above the grant is 700e per full month of studies: for example Australia, Brazil, South Korea, Canada, Kosovo, Mexico, USA.
Starting from academic year 2024-2025, students participating in long exchanges abroad under Erasmus+ are eligible for travel support. The amount of travel support is based on the distance to the host university from HAMK campus and whether or not you choose to travel Green.
Based on your method of travel, you will also receive grant for the travel days: two days for standard travel, up to six days for Green travel. The grant amount of the travel day is the same as your daily grant during your exchange.
What is Green Travel?
A student is eligible for green travel support if the whole trip, most of the trip, or at least the second leg of the outward-return journey, is made using less polluting modes of travel: train, carpooling or bus. If you are interested, please ask for more details from HAMK International.
Ideas for greener travel
- Erasmus by Train
- Maata pitkin matkustaminen – aloita matkasi suunnittelu (In Finnish only)
- 7 best tips fo Erasmus+ green travel
Travel support amounts
Travel Distance | Green Travel | Standard travel |
10 – 99 km | €56 | €28 |
100 – 499 km | €285 | €211 |
500 – 1999 km | €417 | €309 |
2000 – 2999 km | €535 | €395 |
3000 – 3999 km | €785 | €580 |
4000 – 7999 km | €1188 | €1188 |
8000 km or more | €1735 | €1735 |
Fewer opportunities top-up
The Erasmus+ programme pays a ‘fewer opportunities top-up’ to students who have fewer opportunities to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. This category includes: family members (with minor children to care for even if they stay in their home country), carers (with a carer’s agreement with the municipality), disabled and disabled persons (at least moderate functional impairment), students with serious or chronic health problems, or students granted international protection.
The additional allowance for student exchanges (2-12 months) is €250 per month.
Eligibility for the top-up support is proven with the declaration on honour signed by the student and HAMK. It is then uploaded to the SoleGrant grant application.
Special needs and inclusion support
In addition to the fixed fewer opportunities supplement mentioned above, students can also apply for and receive an inclusion grant based on actual costs if they have more or different costs than the fixed grant covers, or if they also have other obstacles to the mobility period than the one on the basis of which the fixed supplement was granted.
More information on the website of the Finnish National Board of Education.
The grant does not affect the amount of the student financial aid.
Read more about KELA grants for studying abroad: https://www.kela.fi/financial-aid-for-students-if-you-study-abroad
In addition, you should check about external funding. Different organisations, foundations, cities, friendship associations etc. may have funding available for studies abroad. Also check the websites of Council of Finnish Foundations (in Finnish) and Fulbright Center.
By receiving the grant you commit to:
- follow the Learning Agreement for Studies.
- get the necessary permits, insurance and vaccinations in order
- return the necessary forms and reports on the exchange as instructed and on time
- repay all or part of the grant if you interrupt or cancel your exchange, do not return the required documents to SoleMOVE on time or do not accumulate enough credits during your exchange (5 credits/month for studies)
- The actual duration of the exchange will be confirmed after the exchange on the Confirmation Letter issued by the host university. If the exchange is shorter than planned, the grant will be recalculated and, if necessary, the student will return part or all of the grant received.
- An extension of the exchange period also requires an amendment to the grant agreement.

Applying for your exchange
Once you’ve decided which partner institution you want to apply to and for how long, fill in your exchange application in SoleMove. At this point, it is enough to estimate the start and end dates, they will be later specified by the partner institution in the Acceptance Letter.
Detailed SoleMove application instructions are available here.
Your application will be processed according to the timetable above and you will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of your application. Please note that we are not able to process late applications.
After the processing by HAMK staff, you will still have to confirm your exchange in SoleMove before moving to the next steps.
- You will be nominated as an exchange student by HAMK International and the partner institution will contact you after the nomination with instructions for making the application.
- Make a separate application to the partner institution. The format and requirements depend on the partner institution, but often include for example full name, birthday and a motivation letter. Please check the application deadline and submit your application on time. If you ned any help filling the application please contact HAMK International.
- The partner institution will make the final decision on whether to accept you as an exchange student and send you a Letter of Acceptance after your application has been approved.
- Print out the Letter of Confirmation and take it with you to your exchange destination. This certificate is completed at the partner institution and returned after the exchange. It is your exchange certificate.Microsoft Word – Letter of Confirmation (hamk.fi)
Learning Agreement (LA) to European exchanges Online Learning Agreement (OLA) is an official document that states the courses you will be studying abroad and their corresponding courses that will be recognized in HAMK. Your guidance counsellor will help you with selecting the correct courses and will sign the LA on the sending institution’s (HAMK) part.
Once you know the courses offered by the partner institution you want to study at, make an Online Learning Agreement (exchanges inside of Europe) for Studies in SoleMOVE, outside Europe make LA in word dokument. Check with your guidance counsellor that the courses are suitable and approved by HAMK.
First sign the Learning Agreement yourself, then send the Learning Agreement to your guidance counsellor for approval. After approval by the guidance counsellor, the Learning Agreement is automatically sent in SoleMOVE to the partner institution for approval. There may be some discrepancies depending on the partner university, so if there is anything that is unclear about the approvals or signatures, please contact HAMK International. If you are filling the word LA please sign it first and then send it to your guidance counsellor and international officer.
Submit your grant application in SoleGrant once you have completed the LA and got everyone’s signatures on it and received your official acceptance letter from the partner institution.
Please also remember to update the dates of your exchange to SoleGrant as they are in the acceptance letter.
For detailed instructions on how to apply for a grant, please click here.
The grant will be paid in two installments: 80% before the start of your exchange and the last 20% after you have finished your exchange and completed all the required administrative tasks.
Completing your student exchange
- If there are any changes to your original Learning Agreement, please contact HAMK International without delay. Upload the updated learning plan to SoleMOVE. Check that it is signed by the target university, HAMK and yourself.
- Always contact HAMK International in case of any problems. Also, remember to notify us immediately if your mobility period is extended or shortened, as this may affect your grant.
- Ask for and check your Transcript of Records as your mobility period draws to a close. If you do not receive the Transcript of Records, ask when and where it will be sent.
- Ask to sign the Letter of Confirmation in the last week of your exchange. This will indicate the exact duration of the exchange period.
Keep in mind that during the exchange, studies must progress at the required pace (5 credits per month).
- Fill in the After Exchange tab of SoleMOVE. Within two months of the end of the exchange, upload the following documents to SoleMOVE: an updated and signed Learning Agreement, Letter of Confirmation and Transcript of Records (=certificate from the host institution). Please note that the exact dates of the exchange must be indicated in either the Letter of Confirmation or the Transcript of Records. The amount of the grant will be checked after the exchange on the basis of these dates.
- Fill in the SoleMOVE Feedback tab. Please answer the questions carefully, they will be especially useful for new exchangers!
- Make an application for accreditation of your studies in Pakki. It should be accompanied by a Transcript of Records (copy). The application for admission to study is made together with your guidance counsellor.
- If you were on a mobility period through Erasmus+, answer the EU-survey exchange questionnaire sent by the Beneficiary Module (a link will be sent to your email). Answering the EU survey questionnaire is a condition for payment of the Erasmus+ grant.
NOTE: The student has 2 months after the end date of the exchange to finalize the administrative tasks above, otherwise the balance will not be paid (possibility of recovery).
If you have to interrupt your exchange or your exchange time is shorter than originally planned, do the following:
- report the interruption to HAMK International
- be prepared to pay back any excess grant paid to you
- also inform KELA of the matter
- remember to take care of the post-exchange documentation in SoleMOVE

Practicalities before you go
Once the exchange location is confirmed, you can then make the practical arrangements, such as booking airline tickets, obtaining a visa/residency permit, finding accommodation, etc.
It is also worth finding out whether the host university or organisation can help you with finding accommodation and other practical matters.
About HAMK’s accident insurance
HAMK’s accident insurance is valid for student exchanges and unpaid internships and only covers the daily internship/study period and the journey between the internship/school and the local residence. The HAMK accident insurance does not cover accidents during free time, travel sickness, luggage or damage to persons or property caused to others. It is therefore the responsibility of each exchange student to ensure that he/she has adequate insurance cover, in accordance with the following guidelines. You must not go on an exchange without adequate insurance cover.
- Travel insurance
You must have your own travel insurance for the duration of your exchange, check with your insurance company. Travel insurance does not usually cover normal medical expenses, so you will need separate sickness and accident insurance or a European Health Insurance Card. - a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) if you are going to an EU/EEA country or Switzerland.
For more information, see European Health Insurance Card
Each country provides care according to its own system. You will have to pay the same patient fees and co-payments as permanent residents. If you go to a hospital or doctor who is not covered by the scheme in that country, you will have to pay the costs yourself.
health insurance/sickness and accident insurance if you go outside the EU/EEA countries.
Sometimes the host country or institution will recommend a particular type of insurance, but usually it is sufficient to have a comprehensive policy.
A few non-EEA countries have signed a social security agreement with Finland, for more information, please visit the Kela website: Social security agreements
If the host institution or employer asks for a HAMK certificate of insurance (an English-language explanation of what the HAMK’s insurance covers for its students), you can get it from the HAMK office ( international@hamk.fi )
Before you go abroad, it’s good to remember:
- Check the vaccinations required by the destination country and get them well in advance. In some countries, vaccinations are compulsory for visas, but it is always a good idea to get the recommended vaccinations.
- Check out the EU health care website EUtervey.fi for information on getting sick when travelling abroad.
- Visit your doctor, especially if you take regular medication.
Also check out:
1. Health guide for travellers (only in Finnish)
To Europe
If you are an EU national going to another EU country:
You do not need to obtain a residence permit or visa in advance from Finland when you go on an exchange. If your stay abroad lasts longer than 3 months, in some countries you will need to register your residence permit. This is usually done with the local police or other authority.
Check with your host university or traineeship centre to see which documents are required in your host country. You will usually need a valid passport, proof of place of study, a guarantee of sufficient funds (e.g. study grant decision, scholarship decision), proof of health insurance (Kela E-form) and passport photos.
If you are a non-EU or EEA national going to an EU country:
If you are not an EU or EEA national, check the residence permit requirements. As a general rule, third-country nationals should always apply for a separate residence permit for the exchange period at the nearest consulate of the country of destination.
Outside Europe
If you are travelling outside the EU:
Check visa regulations. For more information on visas and residence permits, contact the Finnish embassy in the country of destination.
Visa and/or residence permit can be obtained from the Finnish embassy in the country of destination before your departure and can take from a few weeks to a few months.
Research the typical safety risks of your destination. For example Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates the safety status of all countries on their website (unfortunately only in Finnish) Matkustustiedotteet – Ulkoministeriö (um.fi)
If you are going to a high-risk area, you should make a travel notification at www.matkustusilmoitus.fi .
By making a declaration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can contact you if necessary, for example in the event of a crisis situation.
Green travel
Have you considered traveling by land instead of flying? You are entitled to more paid travel days and a higher travel grant if you choose to travel green.
More information from HAMK International as well as for example from | Green Erasmus
Sustainability in destination
What are the things that you need to take with you? Is there something you could by second hand while in destination? What is your impact on local economy, culture and nature? There are many choices you can make, but often they can be difficult to acknowledge. Have a look at online resources, for example Travel Better (sustainabletravel.org) to gain some insights for better travel.