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Congratulations! Your studies at HAMK are coming to an end and it’s time to take the final steps.

Graduation of a degree student

You can start applying for graduation when you have completed at least 80% of the bachelor’s degree or 50% of the master’s degree. Please note that time must be allowed for the different stages of the application process and that holidays may delay the processing of your application.

Below is a checklist for the final steps of the graduation process.

When can I graduate?

The graduation date on your diploma is the date you submit your completed application.
NOTE! Applications submitted during the summer break will be processed in August, and you will receive your diploma during August.

When timing your graduation, please take into account the provisions on student support, for more information:

The deadline for delivery of the diploma is up to three weeks after the date of graduation. Information about the completion of the degree will appear in the MyPathway service on completion day, when the graduation information is entered in the student register.

Students obliged to pay tuition fees

If you submit the certificate application during August or January, you don’t need to pay the tuition fee for the semester. Please contact for further information.

Electronic diploma

You can download the diploma from the link that will be emailed to you when the diploma is ready. The link is valid for 28 days from the date of sending. The sender of the email is noreply.documents(at) (see also spam).

A printout of the diploma is not sent separately.

For Finnish-language education, students receive a Finnish-language diploma. For English-language education, students receive a diploma in both Finnish and English.

The diploma includes a Diploma Supplement, which is an English-language supplement to the diploma for international use. The Diploma Supplement is designed to increase the international comparability of qualifications and to facilitate studying and job search abroad after graduation.

An e-diploma is an official certificate that does not need to be certified separately. It can be sent as an attachment to the authorities or to the employer. You can print out a hard copy of the e-diploma, but the official diploma is only available in electronic format.

Note! Save your e-diploma carefully in several places for yourself, including a backup copy.

Graduation ceremony

We celebrate all graduates at Hämeenlinna University Centre twice a year.

The next graduation ceremony will take place on 13.06.2025 at 14.00 at the Hämeenlinna University Centre. All graduates from 1.1.-31.07.2025 are warmly welcome to attend. More information coming in the spring.

Graduate checklist

Log in to Pakki and make sure that you have completed all the necessary studies and that they are recorded in Pakki.

Log in to Pakki and select VALO – graduation service

  • if you have already answered the AVOP questionnaire or cannot do so for any other reason, please contact your adviser.
  • please note that you must complete the AVOP questionnaire in one go – the system will redirect you back to the Valo graduation Service after completing the questionnaire and an automatic message will be sent to your guidance counsellor about your application.
  • note that the survey link will take you outside the system – expect to be redirected back to the graduation system once you have answered the survey.

Problems with the AVOP questionnaire or the Graduation Service VALO

Solving problems related to the use of the VALO graduation service:

The VALO service works best in Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Edge browsers.

The VALO works in the language in which you are using Pakki. You can change the language selection by changing the language used by Pakki.

If the system does not work, try logging out, closing the browser and logging back in. Try another browser. If this does not help – send a message to

If you have multiple study rights, check that you are using the right one for the right study right.

if your study rights do not lead to a degree, you cannot create a graduation application

Problems in answering the AVOP questionnaire:

  • The link to the AVOP survey is not active – check if you have enough credits (bachelor’s degrees, at least 80% and master’s degrees, at least 50% of studies). Your achievements must be recorded at least on the previous day
  • You have already answered the questionnaire: contact your personal adviser
  • AVOP-kyselyyn vastaaminen on jäänyt kesken etkä pääse enää uudelleen vastaamaan – ota yhteys (selitä tilanne, kerro nimesi ja koulutus, josta olet valmistumassa lähettämässäsi viestissä) 
  • Et muusta syystä voi vastata – ota yhteys opinto-ohjaajaasi 
  • Mikäli opinto-oikeutesi ei johda tutkintoon, et näe AVOP-kyselylinkkiä valmistumisjärjestelmässä, etkä voi luoda valmistumishakemusta.  

  • Wait to hear from your adviser: arrange a date for a graduation interview. The advisor will contact you within a week or so.
  • Please note that there will be no separate email about the date of the graduation interview relevant to VALO. You can see the debate time by logging into VALO.

Follow the checklist for the completion application, and mark the steps as completed.

  • you can tick things off your own checklist before the graduation interview – remember to save your notes.
  • make sure that all entries are correct before proceeding to the next step. After that, answers can no longer be edited or deleted.

You will receive confirmation of your completion by email and see it on the Valo service. You can see your graduation date and the date of your ceremony at the top of this page.

Need career guidance? Check out the career services offered by HAMK.

You can join our Alumni network straight from the VALO-service. However, if for some reason you have not yet joined, now is a good time. Read more about our Alumni activities and join!

Go through the electronic materials and download the things that are important to you on your own computer.

You can ask the campus caretaker for more information about returning your pass.

Copies of diplomas from pre-HAMK institutions can be obtained from the municipal or provincial archives in the locality concerned.

The retransmission of an electronic diploma is free of charge. Hamk has been issuing electronic diplomas since October 2021.

Place an order by email to


Fees for copies of diplomas from 1.10.2023: €50 / certified copies of electronic diplomas €50 / paper diploma (M.Sc. and M.Sc., including all pages) €10 / certificate of specialised vocational training (additional post-graduate studies)

You can order certified copies of your diploma or specialisation certificate from the HAMK Shop.

Delivery usually within a week of ordering.

For more information mail to

Note! In /Oma opintopolku you can also view your achievements and share your study information.

Every giant leap starts with a small step

Congratulations on your graduation! Remember to join our alumni network so that we can keep in touch better.