At HAMK, studies are assessed on the basis of competences.
How we assess your competence?
HAMK degrees are mainly composed of modules that are functional entities with connections to the working life. Modules in curricula started before 2021 autumn semester may include separate items that will be assessed. Even if the modules would have assessment items, the entire module should also be assessed. After that the modules in curricula are not graded, but the courses included in the module are assessed separately.
HAMK applies competency-based assessment. This means that the assessment of modules is based on the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the modules. Module learning outcomes are eventually based on the intended learning outcomes of the entire degree i.e. the skills and knowledge necessary to take up jobs that correspond to the qualification level of the degree.
Competence assessment happens in a variety of ways and in diverse environments. You will find a more detailed description of assessment criteria in each module’s implementation plan. You may also ask the module teachers for further information.
Assesment Scale
The learning outcomes of a module are usually assessed with numeric grades (scale 1-5), 5 showing excellent competence, 4 and 3 good competence 2 and 1 satisfactory competence in relation to the module learning outcomes. Grade HYL means that you have not passed the module. When the teacher awards grade HYL, an explanation of the failed grade should always be included in the record. This way, the student will know what to do to complete the module. However, the students will get grades from the modules’s approved credits. In some cases, the assessment is done on a scale HYV approved – HYL fail. Also in these cases, the explanation for a failed grade must be recorded.
Feedback of your progress
Competence assessment also includes continuous feedback on your progress. Thus, assessment is continuous collaboration and interaction between students, teachers, workplace supervisors and project clients. You will get both written and oral feedback on how your competencies are developing. The idea of feedback is to encourage you to develop your skills. As a student, you will also have an important role in self and peer assessment.
Guideline: Assesment of the studies
This guideline defines the unified principles for assessing the competence achieved by a student in their studies at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). The guideline describes the assessment of studies, improvement of grades and the reassessment procedure.
This guideline applies to bachelor’s and master’s degrees and open studies at HAMK.