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Studying in Finland

General information about studying in Finland, immigration and all other related matters.

Welcome to Finland, an enchanting country nestled in the heart of Northern Europe! Finland is a safe, modern and equal country with a great global reputation and high living standards.

The happiest country for the 7th time in a row!

Finland shines as the happiest country! Its strong social support, inclusive approach, and welfare system foster happiness. Gender equality, quality of life, and work-life balance contribute to fulfilling lives.

Low corruption and high trust create a positive environment. Finland’s commitment to social support, equality, quality of life, and trust in society make it a shining example of a joyful society.

Finland also excels for example in following rankings:

#1 Happiest Country

World Happiness report, 2024

#1 Life satisfaction

Better life index, OECD, 2023

#2 Environmental Health

Environmental Performance Index, 2023

#2 Gender equality

World Economic Forum, 2021

#2 Highest performing graduates

OECD, 2019

#3 Air Quality

Environmental Performance Index, 2023

Why to study in Finland?

High-quality education

The Finnish education system is highly regarded worldwide, with a focus on practical learning and critical thinking.

One part of the Finnish excellency in higher education studies is due to being able to tailor parts of your studies according to your interests and career plans.

Fluency in English & Inspiring culture

Finland has high level of English proficiency among the locals. Most Finns are fluent in English, making it a breeze for international students to communicate and immerse themselves in the Finnish culture.  Of course, we encourage all the students to learn some Finnish!

Finnish culture is a blend of tradition, innovation, and nature appreciation, making it an enriching experience for international students. Known for its strong emphasis on equality and hospitality of Finnish people, Finland offers a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Check out 100 fun facts about Finland.

Work-life balance

Finland is renowned for its outstanding work-life balance, consistently ranking among the top countries in this regard. With flexible working hours, supportive work environments, and a culture that values leisure time, students can prioritize their studies while still having ample time for hobbies, socializing, and exploring all that Finland has to offer.

Students can also work during their studies with some restrictions.

Nature and four seasons

Finland’s four seasons and breathtaking nature are truly something to enjoy about! In spring, the country comes alive with blooming flowers and the return of migratory birds, creating a sense of renewal and vitality. Summer brings endless daylight, allowing for outdoor adventures like hiking, fishing, and exploring.

Autumn paints the landscape with stunning shades of red, orange, and yellow. And of course, winter in Finland is a true wonderland, with snow-covered forests, frozen lakes perfect for ice skating, and the chance to witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights.

Two persons walking on campus

Safe and peaceful environment

Finland offers students a safe and peaceful environment. With low crime rates and a strong rule of law, students can feel secure in their surroundings. Being one of the most gender equal country also contributes to the safety. Also there are nearly no natural disasters in Finland. Sometimes it gets quite cold in Finland, but that’s about it.

Immigration matters

No matter if you are an exchange student or studying for the whole degree, the first thing to do is to find out if you need a permit for studying in Finland.

Find out what kind of permit you need:

Nice way to figure out if you need residence permit, right of residence or student visa, is to follow Finnish Immigration Services MIGRI‘s guidelines according to your own situation:

More information about residence permit at Finnish Immigration Service MIGRI. Always check the Finnish Immigration website about the permits of living in Finland.

Also, when you apply for the residence permit or register your right of residence at MIGRI, make sure to ask to be registered in the Finnish Population Information System as well. By doing so, you might receive a Finnish personal identity code (social security number SSN), which is compulsory to have while staying in Finland.

Residence permit related expenses

Registration of right of residence related costs:

  • Application fee 52 €. Read more here.
  • Please notice that while you are not required to have a specific amount of money but you must have enough funds to support yourself.

International exchange and degree students are allowed to work in Finland, with certain restrictions. Students from outside the EU/EEA countries are allowed to work for a limited number of hours per week during term time. See working and internships during studies for more information.

While working gives you good experience and internships at HAMK are mandatory, we also want to remind you to make the most of your time as a student. We encourage you to focus on your studies, make meaningful connections, and enjoy the incredible experiences that come with being a student.

Please, also notice that working possibilities vary greatly between different campuses. Please do not rely on finding a part-time job immediately when arriving in Finland. You should always make sure that you have financial means to study even without a part-time job.

One more thing to keep in mind – if you work in Finland, you must pay taxes. You need to apply for a tax card and/or a tax number from the Finnish Tax Office Vero before starting to work.

If you have studied and completed a degree in Finland,

  • you may apply for a new residence permit on the basis of work immediately after you have found a job; or
  • apply for a residence permit for seeking work if you are not yet employed.

HAMK Talent Boost support international students´ integration and career development.

Read more:

About studying and living in HAMK

Häme is one of the oldest regions in Finland, situated in southern Finland, north from the capital city of Helsinki. Due to its location, Häme is easy to reach by rail and road. Häme is mix of old and new, with history rooting back medieval times and infrastructure to suit the needs of modern life. Hämeenlinna is the capital of the region and serves as the cultural and economic hub.

HAMK has seven campuses and all of them are located in southern Finland. All our campuses are equipped with the latest technology to ensure our students reach their full potential at
HAMK. The campus you’ll study at depends on your programme. Six out of the seven HAMK´s campuses are located in Häme Region (Kanta Häme) and one is located in Pirkanmaa Province.

You can find the accommodation options under the campus info and apply the best alternative for you. The cost of accommodation vary a lot between different campuses. Prices for a student accommodation varies a lot, at the cheapest you can get a room from shared apartment around 350 € per month. 

Remember always to check the accommodation info of the campus your study destination.

You can only apply to HAMK´s accommodation in the campus that you are studying. We strongly recommend that you always live in the same city/ municipality that your campus is located. Also, please do not arrive to Finland without accommodation, as temporary living in hostels, hotels and such is very expensive in Finland.

Please note that HAMK does not provide any family or temporary accommodation or help with those.

You can read more about the leisure time in each of HAMK campuspages and in HAMK moves pages.

Living costs

The student budget for living in Finland varies a lot depending on the individual lifestyle of the student. We recommend to have around 900-1100€ per month.

  • Rent 350-600€
  • Food 400-500€
  • Other 100€

Tip! You can find many student discounts around Finland. Always remember to ask a student discount from a restaurant or shop. common student discount is between 5-15% but for example you can get 30-50% discount from train tickets.

Other costs

• Insurance

• Finnish Student Health Service

• Residence permit (only nonEU/EEA students)

• Proving your incomes for residence permit (only nonEU/EEA students)

• Flight ticket to Finland

• Transportation from airport to your campus

• Deposit for your apartment

• Household items and some furniture

• Laptop

If you are a non-EU/EEA-citizen and you have not provided any document that would exempt you from paying the tuition fee, you are required to pay a tuition fee for your studies.

HAMK’s tuition fee for:

  • Bachelor’s degree studies: €9 700 / academic year.
  • Master’s degree studies: €11  700 / academic year.

HAMK offers scholarship to students who are required to pay tuition fees. No fully funded scholarships available.

Want to study here?

Check out Applicant’s guide 2024 for more!

If you’re itching to uncover details about Finland as an amazing study destination, we’ve got just the thing for you. Dive into our Applicant’s Guide 2024, where you’ll discover information about studying in Finland and HAMK, student life, and so much more. We’ve got 10 fantastic reasons why choosing HAMK is a no-brainer, inspiring student stories, handy budget calculations, and a whole bunch of other goodies waiting for you!

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