Further studies
Bachelor’s degree completed? At HAMK, you can still find things to study after you have completed your bachelor’s degree. Find out more about our continuing learning opportunities and Master’s degrees. After completing your Master’s degree, you can apply for a HAMK Professional practice based doctoral degree.
Master’s Degree (YAMK)
The Master’s Degree is a work-oriented, part-time degree that, among other things, qualifies you for public positions that require a higher university degree. The Master’s Degree also allows for further scientific studies (licentiate or doctorate).
You can apply for the training after you have two years of work experience following the completion of a bachelor’s degree. The application is made through a joint selection procedure, and the scope of the Master’s Degree studies is either 60 credits (240 credits for bachelor’s degrees) or 90 credits (210 credits for master’s degrees), depending on the bachelor’s degree.
The programmes are sector-specific, e.g. an engineer (bachelor of engineering) will complete a master’s degree in engineering and transport. The studies consist of advanced and elective studies and a thesis, which is usually a 30-credit development or research project related to the student’s own work and/or work community.
Professional practice based doctoral degree
If you have a master’s degree and passion for research, you might pursue professional practice based doctorate. The degree is supervised and awarded in cooperation with our international partner university, for example, with our partners at RUN European University. The scope, content, costs and practices of the doctoral degree are determined by the requirements of the partner university. The research topic must be related to HAMK’s key research ecosystems.
The working language of the doctoral studies is English and the duration of the studies is approximately four years. Students accepted for doctoral studies will be assigned supervisors from HAMK and the partner university.
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Continuous Learning
With refresher and further training, you can quickly deepen and update your skills or learn a new subject. The training is always built around current topics in the profession and can be enrolled in regardless of your initial training. Training can also be tailored to the needs of a limited target group.