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Home Student pages For student, Teacher Education

Pro­fes­sional teacher & guid­ance coun­sel­lor edu­ca­tion

Welcome to study professional teacher education and professional guidance counsellor education!

Studying to become a teacher or guidance counsellor is both rewarding and inspiring! Here you will find information to support you both at the beginning of your studies and throughout your entire study period.

Study­ing in the pro­gramme

Collaborative learning is one of the cornerstones of our learning approach. You study individually and together with your group, learning from each other.

The curriculum is competency-based. You are actively planning, implementing, and evaluating your competence. The starting point of the studies is recognising the competencies and drafting a personal development plan, which determines the more precise implementation of the studies. Various pedagogical methods are utilised throughout the studies.

Achieving the goals requires a commitment to studying. Completing the studies requires a weekly investment in studying and sticking to the schedules of the study process. Online meetings are just a small part of studying.

To study online, you must have a computer equipped with a camera, headphones, a microphone and a good internet connection. The online meetings are held in Zoom, and Learn-Moodle is used as a learning environment.

Start­ing your stud­ies

Great that you have decided to study with us! To get started, please familiarize yourself with the instructions you received with the admission letter and the tips below:

In­ter­na­tional Pro­fes­sional Teacher Edu­ca­tion

Here you will find information about the working methods and studying days of your study group in the International Professional Teacher Education programme.

Pro­fes­sional Guid­ance Coun­sel­lor Educ­tion

Here you will find information about the working methods and studying days of your study group in the Professional Guidance Counsellor Education programme.

Im­port­ant In­form­a­tion about Your Stud­ies

Here you will find important information related to your studies:

More in­form­a­tion about study­ing

Teacher’s work and ca­reer op­por­tun­it­ies

Professional teacher education enables an interesting career as a teacher. After completing the programme, you can work as a teacher in various educational institutions, depending on your background. Trainers in the business sector also find the studies valuable. Professional teacher education can also be a pathway to further studies and careers, such as for guidance counsellor education, and administrative positions in the field of education. Explore the sections below to learn more about the teaching profession, employment opportunities, and further study options.

Guid­ance coun­sel­lor’s work and ca­reer op­por­tun­it­ies

Professional guidance counsellor education offers interesting job opportunities in the field of study and career guidance. Get to know the work and career paths of a guidance counsellor, as well as various further study opportunities.

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