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Student accomodation building in Evo campus from lake-side

Living in Evo

At Evo, you will live in the beautiful lakeside scenery of Rautjärvi, in the immediate vicinity of the school.

Welcome to live in Evo!

Full-time students can live either in cells, studio flats, two-bed flats or single rooms. The rent includes electricity, water, internet connection, use of the laundry room and sauna. Evo has surely the most amazing student sauna in Finland!

The apartments are rented furnished. Room furnishings include a bed with mattresses, desk/dining table, bookshelf and chairs.

If you want to stay with a pet, it is possible in Vanha-Saarela. Pets are not allowed in other buildings.

Live in the forest!

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HAMK Evo Campus from air

Rental prices from 1.8.2023

HÖLMÖLÄ Studio 385,00 €/month

HÖLMÖLÄ One room from two 300,00 €/month

KIVELÄ 250,00 €/month

PAJALA One room 375,00 €/month

PAJALA One room for two 300,00 €/month

PELTOLA One room 375,00 €/month

PELTOLA One room for two 300,00 €/month

UUS-SAARELA whole room 275,00 €/month

VANHA-SAARELA whole room 250,00 €/month

VANHA-SAARELA shared room 180,00 €/month

Short-term accommodation

You can also stay at Evo for shorter periods, for example during the weeks around your multi-study. The accommodation price is €25-35/night/person. People staying in Evo for a short period will generally stay in twin rooms. The rooms are furnished and equipped with pillows and blankets. The common kitchen/lounge area has a coffee maker, fridge, microwave, cooker and crockery, as well as a TV. Adult students are subject to the same housing rules as other students.

Contact us

The form is also used to apply for short-term course accommodation.

Please also indicate on the form the alternative type of accommodation if your preferred type is not available. The availability of studio flats and detached houses is very limited.

We recommend that you take out an open-ended tenancy agreement as a matter of priority, to ensure that you have your preferred accommodation for the duration of your studies. You can move into a HAMK apartment at a low cost, as we do not charge tenants a rent deposit.

If you don’t need an apartment during the summer, it is possible to arrange a summer half-rent. Make a half-rental application using this form, return the apartment key to the campus rental contact and your rent will be halved for the agreed period. Half-rentals are possible from May to September. You can leave your belongings in the apartment/room and the apartment will serve as your storage for the summer and will be available again in the autumn as your studies continue.

Please note that the period of notice (and the notice period for half-term rentals) is one month. This is calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the notice of termination/half-term notice is given. For example, a lease terminated at the beginning of April will expire at the end of May. Similarly, if you give a half-lease notice in April, the half-lease period starts on 1 June.

If you have questions:

You can also ask them about renting or real estate by email:

Instructions for the resident

Welcome to study at Häme University of Applied Sciences and live on campus! Let’s make your student housing comfortable together. When you read these guidelines, act according to them and take other residents into consideration, you will feel comfortable and others will feel comfortable too. Please note that some of the maintenance of the apartments is the responsibility of the resident. Please report any defects in the apartment immediately to prevent any major damage to the apartment/property. If you have any concerns, please contact your campus housing coordinator or the Facilities management and services office – we can help you with your day-to-day living arrangements.

We wish you success in your studies and a pleasant stay on campus!
HAMK Facilities management and services

Into a new apartment

Rental agreement

By signing the rental agreement, you agree to abide by the law on renting a residential apartment, the terms of the rental agreement and all the instructions of the housing association. For HAMK-owned apartments, the right to rent is subject to full-time study or employment at HAMK. Only persons who have a lease for the apartment in question are entitled to live there. Therefore, do not accommodate guests in your apartment.


You are entitled to possession of the apartment and its keys at the start of the rental period. The key is personal and must be used responsibly and carefully. A locked door is your best security!
If you lose your key, you must report it immediately to the Campus Accommodation Coordinator or the Facilities management and services office. A key that has fallen into the wrong hands can have unfortunate consequences.

Move in check

When you sign the tenancy agreement, you will receive a move-in form on which you should record any faults or deficiencies you notice in your property. The form must be returned to your campus housing officer within two (2) weeks of the start of your lease. Sign and return the form to the Housing Officer even if there are no issues with the apartment.

Tips for housing

  • Avoid unnecessary water consumption
  • Turn off the lights when you leave the apartment
  • Report any faults you notice immediately (e.g. leaking taps or toilet cisterns)
  • Use household appliances as directed
  • Keep your home tidy with regular cleaning
  • Agree common rules with other residents for common areas

Equipment of the apartment

Each tenant is responsible for the maintenance of machinery, equipment and furniture in their homes:

  • The fridge and freezer must be cleaned and defrosted regularly.
  • The refrigerator and freezer must be cleaned and replenished, and the stove and oven must be used properly and tidily. The oven, hobs and plates must be cleaned regularly to prevent grease and other dirt from sticking to them.
  • Lighting fixtures and fuses:
    The replacement of light bulbs and fuses in apartments and common areas is part of the lease. You can request the replacement of lamps and fuses using the Property Services Fault Report Form.
  • Ventilation:
    do not touch the set controls or block the ventilation ducts. Clean the grease filter of the extractor hood regularly (wash with dishwashing liquid).
  • Bathroom, apartment sauna and water fittings:
    Regular cleaning of the bathroom floor drain is the responsibility of the resident, as is cleaning the bathroom floor and walls. If not cleaned regularly, grease and lime deposits will easily build up on the lower parts of the walls in the shower rooms.
  • Use a spatula to dry the floor after showering.

Your own equipment

Washing machine: do not switch on the washing machine yourself. The washing machine cannot be switched on by yourself.

Computer and peripherals: Please ensure that dust does not accumulate around the computer, its peripherals and cables by vacuuming regularly. Dust around electrical equipment is a fire hazard.

Rent and other charges

The monthly rent includes heat, water and other maintenance and upkeep fees. There is a separate charge for the use of a parking space with a heating socket.

The rent payment date is indicated in the rental agreement (no later than the fifth (5th) day of each month). If you are late in paying your rent, you will be charged late payment and collection fees. Delinquent rent payments can lead to loss of tenancy and there may also be unpleasant consequences for late payments on your credit report – so please pay your rent on time. If you are having trouble paying your rent, please contact your campus rental liaison as soon as possible.

As a student, you can apply for general housing allowance from Kela.

Fair play – Live and have a good time

Your own comfort is important, but please also consider your roommates and neighbours. Remember that you are also responsible for the guests who visit you. Above all, student housing is about playing together and being considerate of others. The rules of order and guidelines are intended to ensure cooperation and peace of mind. In cellular housing, the maintenance and cleanliness of the common areas is the responsibility of all the residents of the dormitory.

Smoking is prohibited in all apartments and common areas.

No one has to suffer any disturbance. If there is a disturbance, please do the following:

  • Find out which apartment is causing the disturbance.
  • Contact the person who is causing the disturbance by talking to them and telling them that you have been disturbed in your home. It may be that the person causing the disturbance has not realised that they have caused the noise or other disorderly behaviour.
  • In situations that seem dangerous or could lead to dangerous situations, the police should be contacted immediately (112).
  • If the disturbance is persistent or repeated, contact other neighbours and together make a disturbance complaint (form available here (PUUTTUU)) and submit it to your campus rental contact. It is advisable to consult as many people in the building as possible.

It is possible to terminate the rental contract of a resident who has caused a disturbance after the resident has been warned of the grounds for termination.

It is the responsibility of all tenants to report any damage. The vandal is liable for the damage caused, i.e. the bill is sent to the person who caused the damage, not to all tenants. In cellular flats, all residents are jointly responsible for furniture and appliances (e.g. TV and fridge).

Co-operation services and shared facilities

Property maintenance:

The maintenance service carries out general property maintenance tasks, such as servicing electrical and plumbing equipment, changing light bulbs and opening doors (fee-based service).

Shared storage facilities and storage cubicles:

Outdoor equipment and bicycles must be stored in the spaces provided. All loose items must be kept in the other common areas. Please note that the stairwells are not storage areas for any items.


Each user is responsible for the clean and proper use of the sauna.

Washing and drying rooms:

Use all machines according to the instructions for use. Use all machines in accordance with the instructions. Clean up after yourself after use. Do not dry laundry in the sauna or on doors, windows or radiators.

Parking spaces:

For information on available parking spaces, please contact your campus car rental contact. Parking is not allowed in the courtyards, escape routes and lawns.

Courtyard areas:

Residents can contribute to the upkeep of the courtyards by taking care of their own belongings. When walking your pets in the garden areas, please dispose of their waste in the waste bin.

Fault reports

It is the responsibility of every resident to report a fault or damage, and failure to do so may result in liability.

When making a report, provide accurate information to help determine the nature of the problem, repair it quickly and avoid unnecessary maintenance visits. Always give your name and contact details, tell us where the fault is and what is wrong. If it’s a flat, let them know if the service can use a master key. If not, arrange a repair time. If you have a pet in your home, let us know when you report the fault.

Always report a fault if

  • doors or windows do not close properly
  • the ventilation does not work
  • an appliance is broken
  • a tap, toilet tank, sink sluice, etc. is leaking
  • the drain is not draining
  • there is an odour in the apartment that does not belong there
  • water or damp is in the wrong place

Note! If you discover a pipe leak or any other fault that could pose a public hazard, please report it immediately to any member of staff.

Sort your waste correctly

Waste sorting is based on the provisions of the Waste Management Act and is an important part of environmental management. Click here to read the sorting instructions for the Kiertokapula.

Rules of order

By following the rules of order, you will increase your own and others’ comfort in HAMK’s apartments. Violation of the rules may result in termination of the tenancy agreement or liability for damages. As a resident, you are responsible for ensuring that your guests also comply with these rules.
The person who causes the damage is responsible for the damage caused and repairs will be made at the expense of the person who caused the damage. In cellular flats, the residents are jointly responsible for the common areas of the flat.

In addition to these rules, residents must comply with the general law on public order and the rules and instructions of Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy.

  • The houses must be quiet between 22:00 and 07:00.
  • Any defects in the apartment or equipment must be reported immediately. Use this form to report a fault to the property managers or report the fault to the campus rental liaison.
  • In areas with mechanical ventilation, the fresh air valve must be kept open even in cold weather.
  • Avoid wasting water and heating energy. When leaving the apartment, check that the lights are off, windows and taps are closed and the cooker is turned off.
  • When leaving the common areas, remember to turn off the lights and close the door.
  • Make sure you always have the key to the apartment with you. If you lock yourself out of your apartment, you will be charged the full cost of unlocking the door, as per the locksmith’s invoice. If you lose your key, HAMK will charge you €50 to have a new key made.
  • When ventilating rooms, prefer cross-drafting – a few minutes of effective ventilation is enough.

The following actions are prohibited:

  • All kinds of home renovation: painting, drilling holes in walls, etc. Tape posters and the like to the wall – these must not leave permanent marks.
  • Smoking is prohibited both in the apartments and in common areas (stairwells, lofts, lifts, basements, club rooms, sauna and laundry rooms).
  • Access to fire, rescue and safety equipment
  • The introduction of pets into apartments and common areas. Pets may be brought indoors only in buildings specifically designated for housing with pets. Pets outside the apartments must be kept tied up and must not disturb the occupants. Animals are not allowed to be left outside in children’s play areas or to soil campus buildings, yards or vehicles.
  • Storage of bicycles, prams, pushchairs, sports equipment, etc. in the lobby, stairwells or other public areas
  • Stuffing, drying and cleaning carpets and other textiles in apartment and flat terraces and lofts
  • Barbecuing and making open fires on balconies and in alleyways
  • Throwing things and rubbish off balconies and in ramp passageways
  • Adjusting air conditioning and radiator valves
  • Repair of ICT and aerial boxes
  • Throwing objects down the toilet (e.g. bandages, cotton buds, kitty litter). Also, please do not attach toilet plasters to the toilet.
  • Throwing coffee grounds and other solid waste into the sink
  • Leaving large objects and hazardous waste in the waste bin/enclosure. Please deliver such waste to the landfill yourself.

Cancelling the rental contract and moving out of the apartment


In a lease with an indefinite term, the period of notice is one calendar month. The notice period is calculated from the last day of the calendar month in which the notice is given.

Please note that you are responsible for terminating your tenancy agreement at the end of your studies – it does not automatically end.

You must always terminate your contract in written form!

As a rule, a fixed-term lease expires at the end of the contractual period indicated in the contract, without notice. Note! If you wish your lease to continue beyond the contract period, you must agree this with your campus leasing contact at least one month before the end of the contract.

The landlord’s notice period is six months for leases of one year or more and three months for leases of less than one year. The end of your studies is also grounds for termination by the landlord.

Termination of the rental agreement

In serious cases of non-compliance, the landlord has the right to terminate the rental contract. This includes non-payment of rent, living in a nuisance, unauthorised transfer of tenancy rights, giving the property to someone else or keeping the property in a bad and unhealthy condition.

Removal cleaning

The apartment must be cleaned before you move out. Please remember to clean the common areas as well. Particular care should be taken when cleaning the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. This is a courtesy to the next tenant. Cleaning after moving out must be done with proper cleaning equipment and materials.

  • Clean the cooker, oven and fridge. Move the appliances out of the way and clean behind them too.
  • Clean the cooker hood, its grease filter and the exhaust vents
  • Clean the kitchen sinks and bins
  • Clean the walls, floor, floor well and shower curtain in the shower area
  • Wash the toilet seat, sinks and mirror cabinet
  • Wipe down wall surfaces and doors (especially fingerprints around light switches and handles, for example)

You should also clean up your warehouses and take away your belongings.

Note! If you have brought your own furniture into the apartment and stored HAMK furniture somewhere, it is imperative that you return the HAMK furniture to its original location.

If the apartment is left in an untidy condition, you will be charged for professional cleaning.

Inspection of the apartment

We will inspect the apartment before you move out or at the end of the contract. We use a master key if you are not in your apartment. If you have a dog or cat in your home, please let us know when you give notice. You will be liable for any untidiness, missing or broken furniture, etc. Wear and tear caused by natural habitation will not be penalised.

The inspection will cover the general condition of the dwelling, its cleanliness, furniture, kitchen electrical appliances, light fittings, sockets, switches and other equipment, which must be intact and in place.

A representative of the landlord will inspect the apartment after it has been vacated. The accommodation must be cleaned at this time. The inspection will be the subject of an inspection form, which will be compared with the list of faults and deficiencies that you will fill in when you move in.

Return of keys

The move-in date is the date of the end of the lease. All keys to the apartment must be returned to the Campus Letting Officer. Keys may not be mailed or left in the apartment. Please also remember to return any car park key and access card. If keys/passcards are not returned, they will be subject to a charge of EUR 50 per item.