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Home Student pages Accommodation

Accommodation during your studies

Accommodation is a very important part of your journey to Finland. We have seven different HAMK campuses and all of them have different accommodation options. Please note that you can only apply for student accommodation in the location where you are studying. You can find your home campus in your acceptance letter. We strongly advise you to live in the same place where you study.

HAMK has its own student apartments on the Evo, Lepaa and Mustiala campuses. HAMK offers accommodation only for individual students not for families.


HAMK has two main housing partners is Hämeenlinna

  1. Hämeenlinna Region Student Housing Foundation (HOPS) rents apartments for single students in Visakylä and Kampuskaarre, near the university centre, and in Hattelmala. The rents for HOPS student apartments include electricity, water and internet. You can apply accommodation from HOPS here. Read the instructions about to make a application to HOPS.
  1. Hämeenlinnan Asunnot provides accommodation for Families and the available accommodation you can see and apply here.

Important fact to take into consideration is that do not apply accommodation too early! If you need accommodation for August, then the earliest possible timing to apply is in the beginning of May. The application for accommodation is valid only for 3 months.

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HAMK has two main housing partners in Riihimäki

  1. Single student housing is provided by the Hämeenlinna Seudun Opiskelija-asuntosäätiö (HOPS). The rents for HOPS student apartments include electricity, water and internet. You can apply accommodation from HOPS here. Read the instructions about to make a application to HOPS.
  1. Riihimäen Kotikulma provides accommodation for both families and single students. You can apply accommodation from Kotikulma here.

Important fact to take into consideration is that do not apply accommodation too early! If you need accommodation for August, then the earliest possible timing to apply is in the beginning of May. The application for accommodation is valid only for 3 months.

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In Valkeakoski student housing for both individual students and families is provided by Valkeakoski Asunnot Oy, owned by the City of Valkeakoski. You can apply accommodation here.

You can find accommodation offered by private landlords here.


In Forssa degree students live in rental apartments owned by private or public sector, there is no specific student dormitory. Depending on the time of arrival to Finland there are different types of apartments available.

Accommodation available in Forssa you can found:

Forssa Asunnot Oy (Owned by the town of Forssa). You can look for their apartments in Forssa Region from website.

You can look for private sector´s apartments in Forssa Region from website.

When you find accommodation you like, then send message for the contact info on the internet page and wait for the answer and follow instructions from the housing agent.

For more detailed accommodation info

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Evo is very isolated place in the middle of forest without any public transportation. You need to like life in the forest and know that there is no shops etc. in the walking distance.

At Evo, you’ll live in the beautiful lakeside scenery of Rautjärvi, in the immediate vicinity of the school. Apply accommodation here

If you come with Family, you can look accommodations from Lammi. Our partner Hämeenlinnan Asunnot provides accommodation also in Lammi and the available accommodation you can see and apply here.


In Lepaa, you will live in a beautiful campus area, in the immediate vicinity of the school.

You can apply accommodation here.


In Mustiala, you will live in a green campus area in the immediate vicinity of the school.

You can apply accommodation here.

Mustialan kampuksen päärakennus. Punatiilinen kaksikerroksinen rakennus. Etualalla nurmikkoa ja kukkivia puita.

Contact information

You can ask for more information about housing via email: