Steel Construction Excellence Center (SCEC)
The Steel Construction Excellence Center (SCEC) is a hub of expertise in steel construction that brings together companies, as well as education, research, and development organizations. Our main objectives are to strengthen the conditions for sustainable business in the industry and promote its expansion, while also creating new opportunities for the future.
On-going projects
We conduct meaningful research, development, and innovation activities, providing high-quality RDI services to enhance the competitiveness of businesses in the field. We engage in high-level research projects, such as those funded by the Academy of Finland, Business Finland, and the European Union, collaborating with national and international partners.
In recent decades, the popularity of timber and light-frame (LSF) residential buildings has increased due to their sustainability, energy efficiency, circular economy and cost-effectiveness. However, the fire safety of these sustainable buildings is challenging due to the combustibility of wood materials, plastics and building insulation. Advances in computational technology will enable detailed studies of fire growth and spread, smoke propagation and structural stability in sprinkler-equipped sustainable buildings. The project investigates the fire dynamics of multi-storey and single-storey buildings with timber and light steel frames, and it is funded by Palosuojelurahasto.
FISAP project educates building control authorities, rescue authorities and building designers in Finland by raising awareness and understanding of fire safety regulations and standards for sandwich panel products.
New life-cycle sustainable ecological material solutions (UNELMAT) project initiates new research activities related to the life cycle of materials and expands the current research on bio-based materials.
Deconstruction and Refabrication for the Reuse of Steel Buildings (DreamFAB) -project will develop and validate the technical rules and re-fabrication guidelines for the structural safety of reuse and re-fabrication of steel buildings and develop solutions for composite beams, roof trusses and robot-assisted deconstruction. In particular, the project aims to overcome the most critical technical barriers which prevent the reuse of steel constructions.
Research and development services are implemented in a tailored manner, taking into account the specific needs of businesses. Our activities also provide a solid foundation for the emergence of new innovations. By enhancing our infrastructure, we are preparing to respond more effectively and comprehensively to future RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) needs.
Doctoral theses
Completed projects
Steel Construction events
Teräksen uudelleenkäyttö -seminaari, 24.9.2024
Alihankintamessut, 1.-3.10.2024
Teräsrakentamisen T&K-päivät, 24.–25.8.2023
Eurosteel 2023, 12.–14.9.2023
Alihankintamessut, 26.–28.9.2023
Teknologiatiistai, 21.11.2023
- Ks. tapahtuma myös Tavastian sivuilla
Teräsrakennepäivä, 22.11.2023
The XIV Conference on Steel and Composite Construction, 23.–24.11.2023
Green building blocks for built environment seminar 7.–8.2.2024
Engineering Works Trade Fair, 19.–21.3.2024
Korroosiokoulutuspäivät, 18.-19.4.2024
Ohutlevypäivät, 24.-25.4.2024
Nordic Steel Construction Conference 2024, 26.–28.6.2024
Join the action
Our goal is to improve the operating conditions and competitiveness of the industry and businesses. We gather and share high-quality information about the latest trends in the industry with our network of actors and collaborate with key stakeholders. Additionally, we assist professionals and employers in the industry to connect, provide guidance, and support the emergence of new businesses in the field.
We aim to excel in all three areas of our operations: expertise, research, development, and innovation activities, as well as advocacy and stakeholder collaboration.

Contact info

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