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Home Research SmartEdu – smart future education and competences

SmartEdu – Smart Future Education and Competences

Developing competences and modernising learning solutions

A changing world challenges us to develop education and education systems and the ecosystems around them. To ensure vitality and competitiveness, new creative learning and knowledge management skills are needed. At HAMK, we respond to these needs by developing competence and renewing learning solutions together with, for example, educational organisations, governmental departments and business both in Finland and globally.

Our digital competence and quality in research, broad industry expertise and network in Finland and internationally are at the core of our operations. Our research objectives are strongly linked to the development and application of digital learning solutions. We create new opportunities for learning, for example through virtual solutions, gamification and analytics.

Our research contributes to the future of sustainable work, education and well-being. Well-being and skills improve the competitiveness of organisations. Prosperous employees develop their careers and make choices in a changing world that support their own and their organisation’s competence development.

Come and do research with us. You’re here to make a change.

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Research areas

The SmartEdu key ecosystem brings together our multidisciplinary research that develops competences and modernises learning solutions in Finland and internationally. SmartEdu is divided into research areas, which we will update on our website as they develop.

One of SmartEdu’s research areas focuses on education collaboration and partnerships globally. Experts in our multidisciplinary research area promote sustainable growth and well-being by reforming education systems and developing competences in collaboration with our partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Our ongoing projects

Ageing Autism

We develop and pilot a training model that prepares professionals to support ageing autistic individuals according to their unique needs. The focus is on improving quality of life by providing targeted support and creating a new professional specialisation for those working with ageing autistic individuals.

AGRGrow projektiryhmälä seisoo HAMKin pääsisäänkäynnin edessä


Enabling student-centered learning at higher education institutions, creating a network-based learning ecosystem and the practices of climate-smart agricultural entrepreneurship.

Hymyileviä opiskelijoita kävelemässä kameraa kohti syksyisessä maisemassa.


Supporting Ukraine’s efforts to mainstream inclusive education at all levels of education in the country.


Our aim is to develop a model competence framework and curriculum for career guidance counsellor education in Ukraine and to introduce career counsellor education to the Ukrainian education system.

Creatives in Web3 age

Developing the skills needed by creative content workers and intermediaries in the web3 environment, while at the same time reforming a broad range of domestic creative education to meet the demands of the web3 era, delivering a lasting change in the innovation and thus growth potential of the creative sector.

Curious 2.0

Increasing the awareness of secondary and liberal education teachers and tutors of new technologies and virtual learning environments in secondary education institutions in Kanta-Häme.


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