Research permit
Do you need a research permit?
A research permit is required for all research, development projects and theses that are targeted at the staff or students at HAMK (e.g. surveys).
The research permit guidelines for HAMK staff are on the intranet.
Applying for a research permit
HAMK’s research permit application form can be found behind the link: HAMK research permit application (.docx).
Research, thesis or project plan and data management plan must be enclosed with the application. An information sheet to research subjects (research notification), an informed consent form and any questionnaire, interview and observation forms are also required as attachments to the application.
If the research is meant to be done in a way that requires an ethical review, the ethical review must be enclosed with the permit application.
If personal data will be managed in the research, a privacy notice must also be enclosed with the application. An impact assessment (DPIA) is mandatory if the research processes specific personal data.
Filling out and sending the application
The person applying for the permit must always sign the permit application. The signed application will be scanned and emailed to tutkimusluvat@hamk.fi.
The application must be filled out so that it does not include confidential information.
Processing of applications in HAMK
When HAMK receives your application, it is first checked and then sent for assessment by the Dean who covers the research topic in question. Please reserve enough time for this process. We aim to process applications within two weeks. Please fill out the application and the required attachments carefully to speed up the processing. Without the mandatory attachments, the application will not proceed. The decision will be made by the Finance and Administration Director or the Dean.
The application and its attachments are stored in HAMK’s case management system. See the privacy notice (research permits).
Do the attachments include confidential information?
If the attachments include confidential information:
HAMK staff and students
Send your application with the attachments as an encrypted email to tutkimusluvat@hamk.fi. Instructions for staff for sending an encrypted email can be found here (HAMK’s intranet, requires login).
Applicants from outside of HAMK
Submit your application with the attachments by mail to:
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, Pl. 230, 13101 Hämeenlinna. Mark the envelope with: “Application for a research permit”.
Carrying out a survey
We recommend using the internal channel HAMK Viva Engage to distribute a permitted survey to HAMK staff or students.
You can ask further questions about research permits in HAMK by email, tutkimusluvat@hamk.fi.
Please read the instructions on the web page thoroughly first. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please remember that answering your questions may take longer around holidays.