Open education
Open education
HAMK is committed to forward the principles of open education and learning in cooperation with national and international actors. At HAMK support and guidance is organized in multi-professional cooperation which is coordinated by RDI Support Team (tki-tuki@hamk.fi).
At HAMK the principles of open educational resources have been accepted by the quality management development team April 2022. These principles will be later accompanied by open education policy.
Open access educational resources
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are openly available on the internet for anyone to utilize in teaching and learning. OERs can be for example texts, podcasts, games, videos, applications, pictures, research papers etc.
Open Science and images
ImagOA guide offers you guidelines for how to use various picture resources. What is allowed? How to cite pictures? How to utilize pictures shared on social media?
Copyright and open access educational resources
Before using resources produced by other professionals, take a moment to familiarize yourself with copyrights. The copyright organization Kopiosto has extensive coverage on the topic. For general knowledge you can read the ABC of Copyright. For more information on the copying license, please read the instruction for universities and universities of applied sciences.
Some of the online educational resources may be marked with the CC licenses or other similar clauses. For CC licenses you can find more information on the Creative Commons website