Open access publishing and RDI communications
Open access publishing and RDI communications promote a better debate
An open culture of research promotes debate on the application of science and provides insights for the use of society. In addition, open access publishing and research, development and innovation (RDI) communication strengthen the assessment of the reliability of data and trust in science and research.
We support and encourage our higher education community in various ways on open access publishing and research, development and innovation communication issues. We follow common organisational practices and guidelines based on national and international recommendations.
Open access publishing at HAMK
We favour open, open access (OA) publishing platforms and instruct our staff and project partners to give preference to open access options. Open access (OA) means that a publication is openly available online for anyone to read. We help authors find quality OA platforms and advise them to avoid predatory publishing. The majority of our publications are open access. For more information on our publications, see the Research.fi service.
Our own publications (HAMK Unlimited, HAMK Beat and e-publications at Theseus and Issuu) are available online for anyone to read.
We also aim to support open access publishing by self-archiving as many publications as possible in our own publication archive, where they are available online for anyone to read. We prioritise non-open access publications which are behind the paywall, which we will self-archive if the original publishers allow it.
We take into account key open access policies and recommendations, such as the Policy for open access to scholarly publications and Recommendations on open access to scholarly publication for research organisations (in Finnish). In line with our open access policy, we require our staff to publish openly wherever possible.
Dissemination and communication in RDI
The most common form of our RDI communication is project-related communication. We aim to present research results and methods as openly and accessibly as possible, so that the information is easily accessible to target groups and useful to society. We also want to use our communication to stimulate debate on science and research and to increase trust in research.
We organise events, seminars and workshops related to our research, which are open to everyone and can be found in the HAMK events calendar. We communicate about our research and its objectives in a wide range of communication channels such as newsletters, social media, website, regional and national media. We comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation in all our communications.
We support and encourage our staff to communicate as openly as possible about their research and development work. We provide regular training on topics such as media cooperation, social media and project communication. We aim to organise communication meetings with all of our new projects to go through the project communication plan. Key issues to be defined in the communication plan include: communication objectives, target groups, key messages and practical issues such as timelines, responsibilities and possible costs. We have developed HAMK’s Communication Plan Template, which is available to all HAMK staff.
At HAMK, everyone communicates. We help research and project experts to clarify messages and choose the right places to communicate. We take into account key recommendations on RDI communication, such as the Recommendations for Science Communication published by the Committee for Public Information.
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Get familiar with our social media channels, which are focusing on our RDI activities: