Regional solutions to reduce food loss and waste – HAMK partners in a European consortium

Regional actors can significantly affect the different phases of food production and encourage innovation through their policies. Together with Regional Council of Häme and other European partners, Häme University of applied sciences (HAMK) will increase the competence of eight European regions to develop policies that help to reduce food loss and waste.
Europe must reduce food loss and waste in all stages of the food production chain. Food loss and waste accounts for 5 % of the greenhouse gas emissions in the EU food consumption footprint, and it costs EU 130 billion euros annually. The EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste supports actors on EU level by defining measures for preventing food loss and waste, sharing best practices, and monitoring progress made over time. The platform acknowledges the role of regional actors in regulating the food system, but also in encouraging innovation. Cutting food loss and waste (CIBUS) project aims to implement recommendations of the platform on a regional level.
CIBUS project partners from Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, and Romania will cooperate with their local stakeholders to understand the development opportunities and challenges related to food loss and waste. Stakeholders include, for example, environmental organisations, business development organisations, actors within circular economy, waste management, and grocery store business. An international project enables interregional learning as partners regularly share their learnings with each other.
As a result, project partners will identify solutions, such as cross-sectoral activities for reducing food loss and waste, to regional challenges. At the end, solutions are integrated into regional policies.
HAMK and the Regional Council of Häme will focus on updating the regional development plan Green Growth Region Kanta-Häme 2022-2025. The plan is used to direct development activities and target project financing in the region.
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Cutting food loss and waste in Europe (CIBUS) aims to reduce food loss and waste by increasing eight European regions’ competence to develop innovative regional policies that contribute to decreasing food loss and waste. The project consists of regional analysis in cooperation with stakeholders and other project partners, sharing learnings, identifying innovative solutions, and updating and implementing policy instruments.
The project is implemented during 1.4.2024-30.6.2028. It is co-financed by Interreg Europe programme.