Himilo, Kaabe, Kobciye
Youth Empowerment, Employment and VET in Somalia 2023-2024

Project information
Project | Himilo Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Project |
Duration | 1.1.2023-31.12.2024 |
Partners | Coordinator Finnish Somalia Network (FI) Häme University Of Applied Sciences |
Funding | Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland |
Budget | Total budget 727 894€ Himilos budget 21 130€ |
Project information
Project | Kobciye Youth Empowerment Project |
Duration | 1.1.2023-31.12.2024 |
Partners | Coordinator Finnish Somalia Network (FI) Häme University Of Applied Sciences |
Funding | Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland |
Budget | Total budget 614 711€ Kobciyes budget 21 130€ |
Project information
Project | Kaabe Youth Empowerment Project |
Duration | 1.1.2023-31.12.2024 |
Partners | Coordinator Finnish Somalia Network (FI) Häme University Of Applied Sciences |
Funding | Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland |
Budget | Total budget 597 145€ Hamks budget 21 130€ |
HAMK is providing pedagocial expertise and
assitance to Somalia
Experts from HAMK Edu Research Unit and HAMK School of Professional Teacher Education are training vocational educators in Somalia. Total of three projects are funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Three projects, Himilo, Kaabe and Kobciye are youth empowerment and employments projects aimed at developing vocational education and youth employment in Somalia. HAMK experts are in charge of developing a tool for the local partners to asses the level of their vocational education and its needs and to train vocational educators, teachers and teacher-trainers. The projects will be executed in co-operation with their coordinator Finnish-Somalia-Network (FSN), FSN’s Finnish member associations and local NGO’s and vocational education institutions.
Each project’s contents are similar and comparable, but they are implemented in different geographical areas of Somalia with the aim of enhancing national cohesion thourgh inter-regional collaboration.
Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Project
Project description:
Himilo – youth employment and entrepreneurship project is a multi-actor joint project addressing high youth unemployment as well as lack of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Somaliland and Puntland.
The development goal is that youth and vulnerable groups, and persons with disabilities in specific, get quality skills and education, livelihood and opportunities in life. The project promotes and demonstrates the equal right to education and jobs of all. Vulnerable groups – different kind of learners, inclusive education, and persons with disabilities in specific are given special focus by developing courses that address the barriers in accessibility.
Outcomes are:
1) Youth, esp. in a vulnerable position, gain vocational skills and work experience, 2) Availability, quality and inclusiveness of TVET increases, 3) Appreciation of TVET skills and education has increases and the right to education and jobs for all is recognised, 4) Access to TVET and jobs for persons with disabilities improves
Main outputs & activities include:
– 630 students passed vocational short trainings, incl. basic entrepreneurship skills, life skills and internship
– TVET teachers’ and TVET schools inclusive pedagogical competence improved
– Quality TVET courses developed
– Information on opportunities in TVET and related jobs and how education can and should be provided and adjusted to all people has been shared in communities
– 210 persons with disabilities passed accessible vocational training courses
The project is implemented in 3 areas. FSN has 6 NGO partners, incl. 3 member NGOs in Finland, and for pedagogical vocational teaching development 1 university partner, Häme UAS HAMK, from Finland, and 3 TVET centers in Somaliland and Puntland.
The beneficiaries of the project incl. youth and other vulnerable groups in the project areas, especially persons with disabilities. Also teachers of the vocational trainings, local NGO & school partners are direct beneficiaries. Indirect beneficiaries include families of students, local companies and the communities with an estimated population of 129000.
Target regions:
- Gardo, Puntland
- Buhodle, Somaliland/Puntland
- Taleh, Somaliland/Puntland
- Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
- 727 894€
- 15% of self-funding
- 2023-2026 (HAMK implementation 2023 and 2024)
- Coordinator Finnish Somalia Network (FI)
- Häme University for Applied Sciences (FI)
- Maakulta ry (FI)
- Sool Sanaag and Hawd Development Association ry (FI)
- Puntland Society of Finland (FI)
- Somalian partners are local vocational centers (e.g. youth centers, women’s clubs). Also local authorities and ministries aswell as regional education authorities are involved.
- Local leaders and mosques, community elders are considered in the project
Youth Empowerment Project
Project description:
Kobciye – Youth Empowerment project is a multi-actor joint project addressing high youth unemployment as well as lack of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Somaliland and Jubbaland, Somalia.
The development goal of the project is that youth and vulnerable groups get quality skills and education, livelihood and opportunities in life. The project promotes and demonstrates the equal right to education and jobs of all.
Outcomes are:
1) Youth, esp. in a vulnerable position, gain vocational skills and work experience, 2) Availability, quality and inclusiveness of TVET increases, 3) Understanding of TVET as a driver to local economic development and provider of opportunities increases
Main outputs & activities include:
– 945 students passed vocational short trainings, training including life skills and internship in local companies/line industries
– TVET teachers’ inclusive pedagogical competence improved
– Relevant and quality TVET courses developed
– Information on opportunities in TVET and related jobs and how education can and should be provided and adjusted to all people has been shared in communities
– Companies trained in Corporate Social Responsibility
The project is implemented in 3 areas. FSN has 6 NGO partners, incl. 3 member NGOs in Finland, and for pedagogical vocational teaching development 1 university partner, Häme UAS HAMK, from Finland. The beneficiaries of the project incl. youth and other vulnerable groups in the project areas. Also teachers of the vocational trainings, educational experts and local NGO partners are direct beneficiaries. Indirect beneficiaries include families of students, local companies and the communities with an estimated population of 1 835 000.
Target regions:
- Hargeisa, Somaliland
- Burao, Somalia
- Kismayo, Jubbaland
- Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
- 614 711€
- 15% of self-funding
- 2023-2026 (HAMK implementation 2023 and 2024)
- Coordinator Finnish Somalia Network (FI)
- Häme University for Applied Sciences (FI)
- Bado ry (FI)
- MEH ry (FI)
- Espoon maahanmuuttajien yhdistys (ESMA) ry (FI)
- Somalian partners are local vocational centers (e.g. youth centers, women’s clubs). Also local authorities and ministries aswell as regional education authorities are involved.
- Local leaders and mosques, community elders are considered in the project
Youth Empowerment Project
Project description:
Kaabe – Youth Empowerment project is a multi-actor joint project addressing high youth unemployment as well as lack of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Somalia.
The development goal of the project is that youth and vulnerable groups get quality skills and education, livelihood and opportunities also in environmentally sustainable fields. The project promotes and demonstrates the equal right to education and jobs of all.
Outcomes are:
1) Youth, esp. in a vulnerable position, gain vocational skills and work experience, 2) Entrepreneurship especially in environmentally sustainable fields is promoted 3) Availability and quality of TVET increases, 4) TVET skills and jobs appreciated as a booster of local economy and promoter of environmental sustainability
Main outputs & activities include:
– 945 students passed vocational short trainings, training including entrepreneurship and life skills, and 315 do internship in local companies
– Mobile application to support entrepreneurship developed
– TVET teachers’ inclusive pedagogical competence improved
– TVET providers supported in inclusive TVET development
– Authorities, companies and communities’ appreciation of TVET skills and employment linked to environmental sustainability raised
The project is implemented in 3 areas. FSN has 6 NGO partners, incl. 3 member NGOs in Finland, and for pedagogical vocational teaching development 1 university partner, Häme UAS HAMK, from Finland. The beneficiaries of the project incl. youth and other vulnerable groups in the project areas. Also users of the entrepreneurship mobile application, teachers of the vocational trainings, expert organisations partnering with the project, educational experts and local NGO partners are direct beneficiaries. Indirect beneficiaries include families of students, local companies and the communities with an estimated population of 587 000.
Target regions:
- Afgoye
- Galkayo
- Beledwayne
- Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
- 597 145€
- 15% of self-funding
- 2023-2026 (HAMK implementation 2023 and 2024)
- Coordinator Finnish Somalia Network (FI)
- Häme University for Applied Sciences (FI)
- Lieksan Somali perheyhdistys ry (FI)
- Puntland Community ry (FI)
- Suomen Itä-Afrikan tuki ry (FI)
- Two local school partners
- expertise organisations; Galkaio International University and Somali Agricultural Research and Consulting
- Somalian partners are local vocational centers (e.g. youth centers, women’s clubs). Also local authorities and ministries aswell as regional education authorities are involved.
- Local leaders and mosques, community elders are considered in the project