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Biokaasutuslaitos sumuisen pellon reunalla


Logo: The European Agricultural Fund

Project Information

Duration1.1.2022 – 31.5.2024
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences, Biopir Oy, Doranova Oy, Svenska lantbrukssällskapens förbund r.f. (SLF), Xylo Gas Oy
FundingThe EIP-project is funded by Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014–2020 from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Budget299 992 €

We are developing technology to improve the energy production of a biogas plant. The project develops and demonstrates wood gasification and the use of wood gas as raw material for biomethane alongside manure, grass and biowaste. This makes it possible to improve the biomethane production of the biogas plant without increasing the amount of digestate. In addition, we are developing integrated production of biochar and syngas. The project will create a sustainable and economically viable new overall Wood2Biogas concept. Xylo Gas Oy is responsible for the development of wood pyrolyzing/gasification technology and Doranova Oy for the development of biomethanation process. HAMK supports development work and test runs with appropriate analyses and result reviews.

Wood2Biogas project combines gasification technology and traditional anaerobic biogas process. Technology development aims to produce and use the gasification gas to boost methane formation through biomethanation of biogas and simultaneously produce biochar. This enables the use of woody materials in biogas energy production without increasing the amount of digestate from the biogas process. This also has a positive effect on the thermal economy of the biogas plant. In addition to biomethane, thermal energy, fertilizers and soil improvers, the product range includes biochar generated during the gasification process. These products that meet the sustainability criteria are usable for different actors to achieve carbon neutrality.

The Wood2Biogas concept enables the production of biomethane from forest residues and waste wood, providing a cost-effective way to increase the productivity of traditional biogas plant. The project enables the use of the same equipment for the simultaneous production of biochar and syngas in an energy-efficient process, making the production of carbon-negative energy a reality.

Target Group

Owners of biogas plants and operators aiming to invest in biogas plants in Finland and export markets.

Operating Region

In the implementation phase, the operating region is Varsinais-Suomi, Pirkanmaa, Uusimaa and Kanta-Häme. However, the field of operation of the concept to be developed in the project is widely located throughout Finland, so the expansion of the region of operation as the project progresses is a natural goal. The concept, designed as an international one, expands the scope even further.

Contact information


Doranova Oy


frederik ek

Svenska Lantbrukssällskapens Förbund r.f.


pasi virintie

Xylo Gas Oy


Co-operated by

Doranova Oy:n logo
Xylo Gas logo