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Seniori-ikäinen henkilö katsoo hymyillen tablettitietokonetta. Kuvan etualalla on viikunapuu huonekasvi.

Versatile Telehealth Services of the Future

Project Information

ProjectVersatile Telehealth Services of the Future
Duration1.11.2023 – 31.10.2026
ImplementersLead Implementer: Metropolia, Co-Implementer: Häme University of Applied Sciences
FundingCo-funded by the European Union
Budget550,463 €, of which EU funding 412,848 €

In the Versatile Telehealth Services of the Future project, we advance telehealth expertise and its future possibilities in services supporting the home living of the elderly.

In the project, we investigate what remote care and services will mean in the future and determine the kind of expertise and orientation needed to meet future challenges. Additionally, we aim to anticipate the future needs for expertise in remote care and services and to support the career development of home care workers.

We anticipate the future needs for expertise in remote care and services and enhance the opportunities for home care workers to continue in their roles by shaping their career paths. A specific goal is to strengthen the skills of elderly, retired, and immigrant background workers, as well as those workers facing challenges with their work capacity.

Together with Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, we are developing remote home care and services with the employees of the Vantaa and Kerava as well as the OmaHäme welfare regions. The development activities also involve the cooperation partners and networks of remote care and services within these welfare regions.

Target Group

The target group of the project includes remote home care service organizers and workers from the Vantaa-Kerava welfare region and the Kanta-Häme (OmaHäme) welfare region. These individuals are responsible for implementing and developing remote care as part of home care and services for the elderly, in the new context following the social and health care reform and the establishment of welfare regions.

Target Area

Kanta-Häme and Uusimaa

Seniori-ikäinen henkilö katsomassa tablettitietokonetta. Hänellä on iloinen ilme. Kuvan etualallla on viherkasvi.

Shaping the Future of Home Care Through Remote Solutions

Project Objectives

Developing future remote care and service concepts: Investigate and develop innovative remote care and service solutions that meet future needs and trends.

Developing expertise and orientation: Ensure that workers acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in future remote care and service roles.

Supporting workers’ career paths: Support the career development of home care workers, with a special focus on the elderly, those with work limitations, retirees, and individuals with immigrant backgrounds.

Contact Information

Project Manager/HAMK: Päivi Sanerma

Project Manager/Metropolia: Tuula Mikkola

tuula mikkola

Senior Lecturer

[email protected]

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