Innovative Training Solutions for Learning at Work in Disruptive Industries
Project information
Project | StiLLLearning |
Duration | 1.10.2020-30.9.2022 |
Partners | HAMK Cometa Formazione Bilduingstwek |
Funding | Erasmus+ |
StiLLLearning is an Erasmus+ project aiming to co-create new training solutions for learning at work with partner companies.
The project identified the most relevant key competences needed in disruptive industries.
The two-year project Innovative Training Solutions for Learning at Work in Disruptive Industries – StiLLLearning kicked-off in October 2020. The goal of the project was to investigate key competences, both domain-specific and generic, in highly employable industries in Europe that are strongly experiencing digital disruption and automation. Based on the research results the project co-created new training solutions for learning at work with partner companies. The project results of best practices were published openly for all interested competence developers.
During the project educational experts and representatives of disruptive industries co-created an idea bank for innovative learning and training solutions for work-based learning. The Open Idea Bank presents novel, easy to use solutions for facilitating learning at work. From the basis of an analysis and open idea bank, the project designed and implemented an open hypervideo-based cMOOC (collaborative massive open online course) for competence developers in industries and vocational and adult educators. The HVcMOOC offers modular, competence-based and pedagogically designed training program of planning, guiding and assessing innovative learning and training solutions at work in disruptive industries. The improved competences of competence developers, HR-officers, workplace tutors, vocational trainers and teachers, and other educational professionals, accelerate upskilling the employees of disruptive industries and strengthen their professional identity, wellbeing and employability. The impacts of competence development increase disruptive industries’ human capital, innovativeness, capacity and resilience to cope in transformation.
The key outcomes of the project are:
1) Analysis of key competences, field specific competences and learning at work in disruptive industries.
2) Co-created Idea Bank of innovative training solutions
3) Hypervideo-based cMOOC “Competence Developer of a Digital Age” (HV cMOOC)
HAMK coordinates the project and oversees the educational processes of the project. Project partners are Cometa Formazione from Italy, Bildungswerk der Niedersächsischen Wirtschaft Gemeinn GmbH (BNW) from Germany and Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education Training (SFIVET) from Switzerland.
Project goal
The goal of the project was to research continuous learning and competence development at work in disruptive industries, such as hotel and tourism, building, automotive and bioeconomy. Digitalization, automation and the need for sustainable solutions transform the branches rapidly creating a need for new businesses, working methods and innovations. Researchers, educators and company partners in this project are especially interested in learning in transformation. The project countries were Finland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
Based on research results the project team organized transnational online workshops. During workshops the team brainstorms and co-creates an Open Idea Bank for novel training methods for facilitating learning at work. In further, the project team designed and piloted an open hypervideo-based cMOOC (collaborative massive open online course) for supporting new and creative ways for continuous learning.
“What are the needs for continuous learning for the future?”
During the first phase of the project the project team conducts a research summarizing
1) disruptions faced in the past and expected in the future in the industry
2) current competences and future skills needed at work
3) factors which support or inhibit continuous learning at work
4) current training and competence development practices adopted by the industry.
Research results
LEARNING AT WORK IN DISRUPTIVE INDUSTRIES -StiLLLearning – A Training Needs Analysis – Report
The Idea Bank is an open online material for learning topical transversal skills at work. The research of StiLLLearning project revealed that employees and employers in transforming industries need especially collaboration and teamwork skills, active learning skills, creativity skills and digital competence. The Idea Bank offers curated OERs (open educational resources) for the development of these skills at work for individuals and organizations.
In addition, the Idea Bank includes StiLLLearning project partners’ suggestions as 1-minute video clips on how to develop these skills in daily work routines. The ideators are experts from Finland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland representing different industries and vocational and higher education institutions.
If the below ThingLink is not showing you can find the Idea Bank here
The hypervideo-based cMOOC offers a modular and competence-based online course of planning, guiding and assessing innovative learning and training solutions at work. The course is addressed to competence developers of disruptive industries and adult educators of vocational and higher education institutions. The pilot group of course attendants is chosen from the participating countries and institutions.
Piloting results
The results of piloting “Facilitating learning at work” cMOOC are presented in the FACILITATING LEARNING AT WORK -CMOOC PILOT COURSE DESCRIPTION AND ASSESSMENT OF THE PEDAGOGICAL DESIGN – Report
Tanja Manthey and Jürgen Kröger from BNW discuss their work on the project so far in German. (16.8.2022)
Hypervideo-based cMOOC piloting began in March 2022. StiLLLearning project coordinator Hanna Lindoos interviews teacher educator Sari Kenraali on what the experiences of the piloting have been so far. (13.5.2022)
As part of Facilitating learning at work cMOOC piloting, the participants created videos to introduce how their working environment supports continuous learning. Watch the video created by Sari Kenraali, a Teacher Educator from Häme University of applied sciences. (4.5.2022)
Francesca Amenduni presented the results of the Swiss qualitative analysis during a panel discussion. The clip last 7 minutes and is in Italian. (20.10.2021)
The StiLLLearning project team presents the research results on continuous learning at work in disruptive industries during a recorded Zoom session. The recording lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. (8.10.2021)
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun tutkijayliopettajat Essi Ryymin ja Heta Rintala keskustelevat Suomen case-tutkimuksesta jatkuvasta oppimisesta työssä biotalouden alalla. Video on suomenkielinen ja sen kesto on noin 5 minuuttia. (8.10.2021)
In questo video (7 min), Francesca Amenduni, ricercatrice presso la Scuola Universitaria Federale per la Formazione Professionale, presenta un caso sull’apprendimento sul lavoro in Svizzera. I settori inclusi sono edilizia, hotel e turismo. La lingua del video è l’italiano. (8.10.2021)
In diesem Video (7 min) sprechen Tanja Manthey (Verbundmanagerin) und Peter Grünheid (Projektkoordinator) vom Bildungswerk der Niedersächsischen Wirtschaft gGmbH über die deutsche Fallstudie zum Thema Lernen am Arbeitsplatz im Automobil- und Fertigungssektor. Die Sprache des Videos ist Deutsch. (8.10.2021)
In questo video (6 min) il responsabile della ricerca Paolo Nardi di Cometa Fomazione presenta un caso sull’apprendimento sul lavoro in Italia. I settori inclusi hotel e turismo. La lingua del video è l’italiano. (8.10.2021)
This video offers a 2 minute introduction to the project research results.
Read more from the results page. (7.10.2021)
Francesca Amenduni from the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training gives her thoughts on future skills at work. (3.2.2021)
Birgit Honé, Lower Saxony Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development, praised our project at an online event about the future of further education. (18.11.2020)
Francesca Amenduni, a senior researcher from the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training discusses disruptions and global trends affecting on European industries. (3.2.2021)
Innovative Training Solutions for Learning at Work in Disruptive Industries – StiLLLearning -project has been funded with support from the European Commission, under ERASMUS+, with the reference number 2020-1-FI01-KA204-066655. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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