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Promoting circularity and sustainability for the construction and real estate sector

Co-funded by the EU logo.
ELY centre logo.
Y-Säätiö logo.
Saint-Gobain logo.
HOAS logo
Hartela logo
Kiinko logo.
A-Kruunu logo

Project information

ProjectPromoting circularity and sustainability for the construction and real estate sector (CircBuild)
Duration1.1.2025 – 31.12.2026
PartnersTampere University Häme University of Applied Sciences
FundersEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Funding granted by: Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Etelä-Savo

Business partners of the project
BudgetHäme University of Applied Sciences 172 782 €, of which EU funding is 138 225 €

Tampere University 296 834 €, of which EU funding is 237 467 €

The goal of the CircBuild project is to make the research expertise of higher education institutions more accessible to businesses and to create new business opportunities for companies both in Finland and abroad. This nationwide project gathers the latest knowledge into a comprehensive resource and implements a series of pilots in collaboration with Finnish real estate and construction companies, where circular economy solutions and methods are tested in practice.

The construction industry consumes vast amounts of raw materials and is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions globally. New circular economy solutions, such as low-carbon materials, reuse methods, and adaptable building solutions, are urgently needed to reduce material consumption and waste, as well as to lower emissions in the sector. The CircBuild project promotes the transition of the real estate and construction sector toward circular economy practices and sustainable solutions. The main goal of the project is to bring the research expertise of higher education institutions into use for businesses, create new business opportunities both in Finland and internationally, and enhance the industry’s knowledge and capabilities in developing circular economy solutions.

The project collaborates with Finnish real estate and construction companies to implement a series of pilots that test new circular economy solutions and methods. In addition to the pilots, the project includes open workshops and seminars in cooperation with companies, as well as webinars and presentations at events. The project also supports the general expertise in the field through educational collaboration by developing the content of industry-related training programs and by publishing and communicating findings from the project.

Key materials will be compiled on the project’s main website, where they will be easily accessible. During the project, we will actively communicate through the CoreLab innovation platform website at Tampere University, social media channels, and platforms of Häme University of Applied Sciences.

Target group

The target groups of the project include real estate and construction companies, industry organizations and experts, as well as companies and organizations providing education.

Operating area

The project’s co-operation partners and co-funders include A-Kruunu Ltd, Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region sr (Hoas), Saint-Gobain Finland Ltd, Y-Säätiö, Hartela-yhtiöt Ltd, and Kiinko Real Estate Education. International collaboration is supported by the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU).

Actions and objectives of the project

1) Compilation of a Research Review
As part of the project, we will compile an extensive and international knowledge package on the circular economy. This research data will be utilized in the project’s pilots, open workshops, and background sections of reports. The compilation of the research review will also draw on the international expertise and networks gained during the researcher exchange abroad by two researchers involved in the project.

2) Implementation of Pilots
We will implement a pilot with each company funding the project. Based on analysis, we will develop a new operational model or process for each company to support the utilization of the circular economy in their business. The practical measures for the pilots will be defined and, where possible, also implemented. The aim is to create company-specific solutions for leveraging the circular economy in business. The results and impacts of the pilots will be analyzed, and the outputs will be published and presented at events.

3) Organization of Open Workshops
We will organize three open workshops, welcoming all actors and companies in the real estate and construction sector. The goal is to foster dialogue among industry stakeholders, share the latest research data, promote the adoption of new practices and innovations, and communicate the project’s findings and the results of the compiled research review. The workshops will be held in Tampere, Hämeenlinna, and Helsinki.

4) Design of a Continuing Education Program
In collaboration with the Kiinko Real Estate Education, we will create a continuing education program on the circular economy. Through this program, Kiinko can provide up-to-date knowledge on new methods and solutions in the circular economy to industry experts. The lessons learned during the project will be utilized in preparing the program.

5) Final Seminar and International Study Trip
The project’s final seminar will be held at the headquarters of the ECIU (European Consortium of Innovative Universities) in Brussels. The event will also invite EU officials who work on international trade for Finnish companies. Following the final seminar, a several-day study trip will be organized in the Netherlands, a European leader in the circular economy.

6) Communication and Event Organization
Active communication is an essential part of the project. We will engage in communication through social media, organize webinars, and aim to bring the project into the spotlight in traditional media as well. We will also publish pilot results, blog posts, and reports on the project’s findings.

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Contact information

The project manager for the project is Jaakko Kinnunen from Tampere University. The project manager for HAMK’s portion of the project is Olli Koskela.

Contact Information for Tampere University

Jaakko Kinnunen
Project Manager, Faculty of Built Environment

Juha Franssila
Doctoral Researcher, Faculty of Built Environment

Raul Castano De la Rosa
Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Built Environment

Alisa Hakola
Researcher, Faculty of Built Environment

Tampere University logo.
HAMK logo.
CircBuild logo.