Promoting and Upgrading Green Skills in Agriculture

Project information
Project | Promoting and Upgrading Green Skills in Agriculture (PROGREEN) |
Duration | 28.02.2022 – 28.02.2025 |
Funders | Erasmus+ |
European agriculture is facing a significant transformation. Reduction of CO2 emissions, preservation of biodiversity, careful use of soil, air and water are just some of the demands made by politicians, nature conservation associations and citizens’ initiatives. Farmers are expected to generate sustainable incomes, increase their competitiveness, produce high-quality food and, at the same time, take on important social functions such as inclusion and the development of local networks.
Promoting and Upgrading Green Skills in Agriculture (ProGREEN) is a project financed by European Union ERASMUS + programme (28.02.2022 – 28.02.2025). It developes agricultural qualifications on personnel and ecological transformation processes in the EU. The project design promote equal opportunities and equal access to educational programs in agriculture.
Ecological measures are only sustainable if they also make business sense for the individual farmer. Business management skills specifically for organic farming are imparted through targeted further training, thus enabling farmers who want to operate in an ecologically and socially sustainable manner to generate sustainable incomes.
Project coordinator is Hanse-Parlament (Germany). Project particpants are Chamber of Agriculture Hamburg (Germany), Alanta school of technology and business (Lithuania), ITA E. SERENI (Italy), Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and The University College for Green Development (Norway).
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