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Supporting continuous learning and agency to promote equality

Project information

ProjectPEDANETS – Supporting continuous learning and agency to promote equality
PartnersHumak University of Applied Sciences (coordinator),
The Finnish Diverse Learners’ Association,
FundersThe European Social Fund Plus (ESR+)
Budget178 802€

We respond to the need to promote opportunities for equal participation by developing, testing and disseminating new forms of networking, guidance and support.

We will promote a comprehensive understanding of the possibilities for supporting the agency of people in a weaker labor market position. This is done through various forward-looking pedagogical, participative, and functional approaches. Forms of guidance and support will be co-developed and piloted with professionals, building on and expanding existing networks of actors. We will begin with a survey of the state of guidance services and the needs of those being guided. This will also inform the project’s development priorities.

Professionals are supported to work in a way that is aware of and respectful of individual situations and potential learning challenges. The aim is to empower the most vulnerable clients and people being guided. We aim to strengthen their sense of agency and their belief in the future. At the heart of the project is a career and future guidance service. The service identifies an individual’s potential and strengths, whilst supporting the development of the competence identity of clients. Needs-based induction and coaching will be provided to professionals as the project progresses.

Target group

The project targets both guidance, counselling, and education professionals, and people in the weakest labor market position.

Operating area and results

The project will result in a report on the aims, development needs and possibilities of counselling services for individual empowerment and employment in the regions of Kanta-Häme and Uusimaa. In addition, we will create new networks and forms of networking, as well as more widely used operational models, materials and testimonials for counselling disadvantaged people. The results will be compiled on an openly accessible website and will also be used in training sessions to promote continuous learning.

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