Let’s learn more about ditches

Project information
Project | Let’s learn more about ditches |
Duration | 1.5.2023 – 15.6.2025 |
Partners | Häme University of Applied Sciences (coordinator), Kokemäenjoen Vesistön Vesiensuojeluyhdistys ry, Tapio Oy, Metsänhoitoyhdistys Kanta-Häme and Metsänhoitoyhdistys Päijät-Häme. The project works in collaboration with ProHauhonselkä ry and ProAgia Etelä-Suomi ry. |
Funding | The project is partly funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Pohjois-Pohjanmaa ELY-center’s Water protection programme. |
The Learn more about ditches -project implements the planning of water protection structures in the Vuolujoki catchment area and develops an operating model for the coordination between habitat restorations and land drainage. The project will draw up a catchment area-specific plan for the new catchment area of Myllyoja, which will be selected using a priority list. In addition, the activities of regional water protection actors networks will be strengthened and water protection associations will be involved in water catchment area planning. The project organises public and field events and webinars as well as workshops. Active communication and increased competence are an important part of the project.
The project aims to:
a) Continue planning water protection structures in the Vuolujoki catchment area and develop an operating model for the coordination between habitat restorations and land drainage.
b) Create a drainage area-specific plan for a new area that is selected using a priority list.
c) To continue and strengthen the network of water protection actors formed in the area.
e) To organise 5-6 public and field events and webinar events, as well as 2-3 operator workshops.
f) Utilizes the newly revealed Vesitalousisännöitsijön opas e.g. in the operation of ditch communities.
g) To communicate about activities through websites, blogs and operators’ own channels.
h) To promote the training of new water protection experts for water protection tasks in municipalities, state administration and companies.
i) Verification of the quality of the measures of the drainage area restorations. As the operations change and increase, there has been a clear need to verify the measures and quality of operations in catchment area restorations.
j) Developing the earning logic of water management measures.
Target group
Regional water protection networks and water protection associations, experts, municipalities, state administration, companies.
Operating region
Contact information