Improving yield stability and climate sustainability of organic farming by mixed cropping and autumn sown protein crops

Project information
Project | Improving yield stability and climate sustainability of organic farming by mixed cropping and autumn sown protein crops |
Duration | 1.3.2022-15.11.2024 |
Partners | Natural Resources Institute Finland (coordinator), Häme University of Applied Sciences, University of Helsinki, The Finnish Organic Research Institute |
Funding | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland |
Budget |
LuoVaMix -project promotes protein self-sufficiency, crop security and thus the climate sustainability of organic production.
The aim of the project is to increase farm-level knowledge of good organic farming practices for mixed cropping and autumn sown protein crops. Versatile mixed cropping can promote protein self-sufficiency, crop security and thus the sustainability of organic production. The project also investigates the variation in organic crop yields from the Natural Resources Institute Finland’s crop yield statistics and looks for reasons for the variation.
HAMK Mustiala organic farm and the project’s co-operative farms test different mixed cropping methods with protein and grain crops in field trials. Test sectors are used to study, for example, the impact of mixed cropping on crop security, soil health and carbon sequestration. The test field plots of the Mustiala organic farm are used to study the optimal sowing time and wintering of autumn-sown proteins, such as autumn turnip rape and autumn broad bean.
The project is part of the climate action package for the land use sector called Catch the Carbon Programme and launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in the spring of 2020. The actions aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use and to strengthen carbon sinks and storage. More information here.
Target Group
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