LUO Net GOES International
The main objective of the project LUO Net GOES International was to strengthen the region’s bioeconomy operating environment and the sustainable use of natural resources.
Project information
LUO (Luonnonvara-alan verkosto) is a cooperation network in the field of natural resources in the Kanta-Häme region in southern Finland.
The networks main aims are to increase research and development cooperation with companies, use learning spaces together and find new innovations in the field of bioeconomy and natural resources.
The project has ended.
The project partners and regional actors
- Häme University of Applied Sciences
- University of Helsinki, Lammi Biological Station (LBS)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
- SYKLI Environmentel School of Finland
- Cooperation network of the actors (companies, research- , training- and development organisations)
Work packages
1. Open Bioeconomy Week
WP 1: As a result of the project an annual event called Open Bioeconomy Week will be designed and built. The event pursues to become a global “must-go” event for the bioeconomy and digital tools and methods and will be an interesting event for everyone in the industry.
The very first international Open Bioeconomy Week has an ambitious target to become an annual event bringing together the latest research and industrial practice in the digitalization of bioeconomy. In today’s world the one does not exist without the other.
The very first Open Bioeconomy Week was in 29.-30.9.2020 and was online. The event is supported by the Regional Council of Häme with the regional enterprises and other organizations working within the bioeconomy sector. Together with HAMK the organizing committee of the event consist of the leading national research and innovation organizations such as Aalto University, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and University of Helsinki.
The conference aims to highlight the current research innovations, trends and future of bioeconomy through the lens of digitalization and data utilization. The key focus is to highlight the paradigm shift digitalization can bring in the field of bioeconomy. To accomplish this, the event aims to bring different academics, researchers, stakeholders, policymakers, business representatives and the society to discuss and understand the role and the impact digitalization can make in development of bioeconomy and hence towards a sustainable future.
Open Bioeconomy Week will annually be built around the themes of utilization of digitalization in the development of bioeconomy research, innovations and business. However, the subthemes will change annually.
More information about Open Bioeconomy Week:
2. Roadmap for Circular Economy in Kanta-Häme Region
WP 2: The “Circular Economy Roadmap” -developed in the project identifies new business opportunities. The roadmap describes the timeline and the measures and objectives for the Kanta-Häme Region’s transition towards a low-carbon, waste-free and sustainable circular economy. In working groups, entrepreneurs can network and develop new business opportunities. With the Roadmap, the business of the circular economy in Kanta-Häme region will gain visibility both nationally and internationally. The Roadmap is now published: Road Map for Circular Economy in Kanta-Häme Region (2022)
3. Data and commercialization path
WP 3: The project develops a data transfer / commercialization path where ideas, innovations and actors come together. Expertise of the natural resources network will be utilized at different stages of the path. The goal is to reveal the economic benefits of the circular economy model in the value chain as well as international possibilities. The project also provides information to entrepreneurs on intellectual property rights, patents, inventions and their protection.
4. Steps of internationalization
WP 4: The project will build international cooperation with New Zealand and China on the use of automatic field measuring instruments and underwater robots in the bioeconomy. Project maps differences between the operating environments and the similarities with the problem areas in the field of environmental monitoring. Project aims to build a joint pilot project on the basis of environmental monitoring and the management of the river basin based on it.