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Circular economy-enabling tecnologies

Project info

ProjectKivaTek – Circular economy-enabling tecnologies
Duration1.1.2024 – 30.6.2026
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences, City of Riihimäki
FundingHäme ELY-centre
Budget358 342 €

In KivaTek – Circular economy-enabling tecnologies project we are looking for new ways and opportunities to harness the potential benefits of robotisation and automation to boost the circular economy.

From the point of view of the needs of the circular economy, it is easy to find different application areas where the application of robotics and/or automation would solve an essential challenge. From a technological perspective, it is easy to show that a wide range of tasks important for boosting the circular economy can be achieved by using new technologies in different ways.

In the KivaTek project, we want to tackle the business challenge of robotics that boost the circular economy. Through practical research and studies, we want to demonstrate that a new design philosophy and approach can be found that will lead to the wider adoption of robotics that supports circular economy. At the same time, we want to increase the use of robotisation in areas where it is not yet widely used.

We also aim to strengthen applied robotics research in HAMK and our partners’ organisations, and to create links with domestic and international networks. The project will also support RDI activities related to the circular economy in general.

The project is implemented together with the City of Riihimäki as a part of the cooperation of Robotics Campus network.

Target group

The target group of the project is primarily various actors related to mobility and transport, where the circular economy is an essential part of their everyday life. Other businesses and operators may also benefit from the project.

Area of activity

The main area of activity is Kanta-Häme.


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