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Green walls in densifying urban form

Project information

ProjectGreen walls in densifying urban form
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences
FundersERDF (European Regional Development Fund)
Budget198 079 €

Green walls bring several benefits to the urban environment. They are known to increase the perceived well-being of city residents, improve air quality and support biodiversity. Additionally they can dampen the sounds of city-life and even out temperature differences in the microclimate. To increase green walls’ prevalence in Finnish conditions, structural and phytotechnical challenges in practical implementation must be addressed.

A densifying urban structure requires balanced knowledge of building physics and combining vegetation structures. The VITIKKA project examines the safe and appropriate construction of green and vine walls in Finnish conditions in a multidisciplinary manner. The project is based on measurement, experimental construction and multiprofessional co-creation.

The result is formulated guidelines for the construction of green and vine walls for three different types of green walls. We aim at finding wall solutions that are safe and healthy for buildings, but at the same time enable the factors required for vibrant vegetation.

Target group

Designers and builders working in the Finnish built environment

Operating area


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