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Domestic bio-raw materials in health and wellness products

Hämeen liitto. Regional council of Häme. Kirjoitettu mustalla. Ylhäällä punainen vaakuna.

Project Information

ProjectDomestic bio-raw materials in health and wellness products
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences,
University of Helsinki,
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
FundingEuropean Union, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council and Regional Council of Häme.
Budget620 999 € (HAMK 326 653 €)

We develop and study methods for processing domestic side streams and for producing and processing bio raw materials such as cultivated plants, fungi and algae. These raw materials are researched and utilized in the development of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.

In our research, we utilize advanced technologies such as bioreactor production, vertical farming and 3D printing.

One of the results of our research activities is a network, an innovation ecosystem, with which we strengthen regional expertise, business life and internationalisation.
We work together with the University of Helsinki and Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

Several companies are already involved in the project. We also welcome new business partners.

Target Group

Health and wellness products producing companies that use bio-based raw materials in their products.

Operating Region

Kanta-Häme and Uusimaa Region.

Contact information

Sari Viitala

Lehtori, Laurea ammattikorkeakoulu


Leena peltonen

Professori, Helsingin yliopisto, Farmaseuttisen kemian ja teknologian osasto


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