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Data-driven circular economy R&D eco-innovation system and demonstration environment

Project information

ProjectDAVE – Data-driven circular economy R&D eco-innovation system and demonstration environment
Häme University of Applied Sciences
FundersHäme Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment 
Budget250 357 €, of which 187,768 € is EU funding.

The aim of the project is to create a data-driven circular economy innovation environment that develops environmentally friendly solutions to enhance the use of materials and resources through digitalization, taking into account the entire value chain. Companies will have the opportunity to test and model solutions in practical experiments, which supports the transition to more sustainable practices.

The aim of the project is to create a data-driven circular economy innovation environment, where environmentally friendly solutions are developed and the use of materials and resources is optimized through digitalization. The goal is to enhance companies’ ability to utilize data and digitalization, so that circular economy solutions can be implemented throughout the entire value chain.

The development of circular economy requires collaboration between different actors and sharing of data, which is still in its early stages in many fields. In the project, companies can test and model solutions in practical experiments, which helps to evaluate their benefits.

Special attention is also paid to women’s participation in the development of the circular economy and digitalization. The project also supports the circular economy roadmap of Kanta-Häme and helps businesses in the region transition to more sustainable practices.

Target group

The main target groups of the project are small and medium-sized enterprises, whose agenda includes promoting resource-efficient circular economy using data and digitalization.

Circular economy in this project focuses specifically on efficient utilization of resources and keeping materials in circulation for as long as possible. Special attention is paid to the utilization of by-products and other surplus resources between companies (industrial symbiosis).

Operating area

The project brings benefits primarily to the Kanta-Häme region.

What are we aiming for?

The goal of the project is:

1: Establish a data-driven circular economy RDI eco-innovation system in collaboration with SMEs and other stakeholders, which is also open to large companies, educational institutions, and research institutes. Eco-innovation refers to environmentally friendly solutions such as resource and material use, waste generation, emissions, and energy consumption.

2: Initiate RDI activities in collaboration with actors in value chains aiming to manage the use of materials through data and digitalization, reduce the amount of waste, and increase the utilization of industrial by-products and other resources.

3: Renew SMEs through digital solutions and data, as well as methods guiding sustainable resource use.

4: Create a demonstration environment to support data-driven circular economy RDI activities and to visualize the implementation of developed operating models and solutions, as well as to assess the economic and sustainable development benefits.

5: Promote gender equality in the development of the skills needed for the transition to a circular economy and digitalization, as well as raise awareness and promote the achievement of sustainable development goals with the target group.

Project work packages

We are establishing a data-driven circular economy RDI eco-innovation system in collaboration with SMEs and other stakeholders, which is also open to large companies, educational institutions, and research institutes.

WP 1.1 Motivating actors to collaborate: development companies, entrepreneur organizations, companies, educational institutions, research institutions. Attention is paid to activating women’s participation in collaboration with women entrepreneur organizations. Also enable the participation of entrepreneurs with foreign backgrounds. [8/2024-12/2024]

WP 1.2 Reports: on current topics such as A) Digital solutions in circular economy research, implementation, and demonstrations, B) Circular economy data, digital repositories, monitoring indicators, and methods, C) Carbon neutrality, D) Circular economy RDI ecosystems in Finland and globally. [8/2024-6/2025]

WP 1.3 Workshop: Co-developing the RDI eco-innovation system operating model, addressing questions such as: what measures can we take to accelerate collaboration, what collaboration networks do we need, what data streams do we need, what skills gap exists at the intersection of circular economy and digitalization, and how can it be filled? [12/2024-6/2025]

We will start R&D activities tailored to the needs of companies/value chains in the eco-innovation system, aiming for intelligent materials management, waste reduction, and utilization of industrial by-products.

WP 2.1 Surveys: on current topics e.g. [3/2025-9/2025]

A) We map the current state and development needs of actors to promote data-driven circular economy. We also take into account open data sources and Materiaalitori.

B) We map the current state and development opportunities of selected value chains/material flows or other synergies between companies from the perspective of data sharing and utilization. We pay attention to the benefits sought by the actors in the value chain and the benefits produced by data sharing from the perspective of economic and environmental benefits.

C) Assessment of the potential for promoting carbon neutrality.

WP 2.2 Information sessions: on current topics such as data analytics, IoT, cloud services, simulation tools, and other current themes utilizing materials collected for example on the Circular Economy Finland website. The information sessions will produce accessible materials to be shared in the form of teaching materials, articles, podcasts, and reflection tasks. Women’s participation will be promoted, for example through collaboration with women entrepreneur organizations. [6/2025-3/2026]

WP 2.3 Workshops and other meetings: We develop solutions and operating models together with companies for collecting, utilizing, and sharing data in collaboration with stakeholders in value chains/material flows, and assess the benefits and investments needed from the perspective of individual actors as well as the entire value chain. Through the workshop, opportunities can be found for utilizing side streams or other resources, as well as demonstrations to be carried out in work package 3. [6/2025-12/2025]

WP 2.4 Business search: A group of actors (e.g. Finnish and international students, companies, HAMK staff, local residents, Forssan Business Development Ltd) will be gathered to develop a new company to provide a solution to the emerging need in the work package. Utilize, if possible, the circular economy FRUSH event business idea competition and HAMK students’ so-called engineering office operating model to further develop and support the creation of new companies. Encourage women to participate, and also enable entrepreneurs with foreign backgrounds to participate. [12/2024-12/2026]

Supporting the renewal of SMEs through digital solutions and data in a demonstration environment, where the developed solution or operating model is modeled and visualized, and its usefulness and value creation are evaluated. The demonstration can utilize, for example, students’ data analytics, IoT platforms, and 3D modeling projects.

WP 3.1 Demonstrations: 3 pieces modeling and evaluating solutions developed in T2.3 and T2.4. [12/2025-9/2026]

WP 3.2 Case descriptions: 3 implemented demonstrations with background information and assessment of benefits, investment potential, and financing opportunities (e.g. Business Finland). [3/2026-12/2026]

WP 3.3 Proposal for further development of the demonstration environment in collaboration with the RDI eco-innovation system. [9/2026-12/2026]

WP 4.1 We inform our target group about the start of the project and invite actors to the RDI eco-innovation system. [8/2024-12/2024]

WP 4.2 We communicate to our target group about the project’s events and produced information, as well as the progress of the project from the perspective of the steering group and monitoring reports. [12/2024-6/2026]

WP 4.3 We will communicate the results of the project and the produced information to national stakeholders, for example through Circular Economy Finland, and possibly to international stakeholders at suitable forums. [6/2026-12/2026]

Contact information

Project Manager





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