Data Power for Tourism
Enhancing Data Oriented Management of Hämeenlinna City Tourism and Travelling

Project Information
Project | Enhancing Data Oriented Management of Hämeenlinna City Tourism and Travelling |
Duration | 1.4.2023-31.3.2026 |
Partners | Häme University of Applied Sciences, Linna Business Development Ltd |
Funding | Regional Councils ERDF, City of Hämeenlinna, self-financing HAMK. |
Budget | 208 383 € |
In the project, data-driven management of tourism and transportation in Hämeenlinna is developed through data analytics.
There are numerous small businesses in the tourism industry that often offer parts of the trip directly or as a subcontractor. In addition, tourism as an industry is highly dependent on the impact of society on its operating environment and on cooperation networks within the industry. Based on these, the need to develop national-level knowledge management in the field of tourism has been identified – also in international co-operation (Finnish State Tourism Strategy, Visit Finland Strategy). This requires the collection, processing and sharing of data, as well as the practical implementation of conclusions based on the analyzes made from the collected data. All these will be addressed in this project in terms of tourism and traffic volumes in Hämeenlinna.
Target Group
In this project, the primary target groups are:
- The city of Hämeenlinna, whose understanding of city tourism is enhanced, directly influencing the operational environment of the tourism industry in the Tavastia Proper.
- Tourism businesses in Tavastia Proper, aiming to develop their operations through the use of data.
- Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaa and national chains, with whom data integration and its utilization in service development will be piloted. Additionally, tourism development organizations that contribute to increased understanding.
Cities, municipalities, and public organizations related to tourism or transportation will also benefit from the project’s results. The outcomes are significant for new businesses and individuals entering the industry, providing increased knowledge and educational content.
Target Area
Tavastia Proper.
Project Objectives
First aim of this project is to identify the basic traffic in the Hämeenlinna area and use it to differentiate the share of tourism from the total traffic volume.
Due to its large amount of commuting in both directions, Hämeenlinna is a unique and therefore valuable object for exploring this. With the help of traffic volumes, the second aim of the project is to create tourism and tourist profiles and to develop automatic and real-time tourism metering. Finally, a municipal information management model will be derived for the city of Hämeenlinna to implement. The project is carried out in co-operation with companies in the area, and in addition to communicating the results, workshops are organized to increase the information management capacity of companies in the area and to discuss the practical significance of information management in the municipal operating environment.

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