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Customer-oriented education model for continuous learning in engineering and technology

Project information

NameCustomer-oriented education model for continuous learning in engineering and technology
PartnersHAMK (Coordinator),
Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu,
Koulutuskuntayhtymä Tavastia
FunderThe European Social Fund, and the national funding authority is the Häme ELY Centre.

The JATKOT project is developing a customer-oriented, genuinely competence-based model of continuous learning that aims to provide students with a higher education degree in technology and engineering.

The dimensions of the model being developed include the following:

  • Training services tailored to the needs of the workplace
  • Competence development and the demonstration of competence at the workplace and in virtual environments
  • The development of workplaces as learning environments
  • Employee involvement in the development of their competence
  • Cooperation between the university of applied sciences and vocational education and training degree programmes as a provider of regional services
  • Tripartite development discussions between the employee, the mentor appointed by the company and the teacher of the university of applied sciences
  • Equality and sustainable development.

The model will be piloted in two Degree Programmes: Construction and Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Construction Management and Automation Engineering.

The target group of the project are employed people in the fields of technology and engineering in the Kanta-Häme and Kymenlaakso regions who need to strengthen and renew their skills. The target group also includes mentors appointed by the companies, trained to act as operators under the model that is being developed. The project is a response to the shortage of professionals in the fields of technology and engineering and the development targets of regional programs, with regard to competence development of both. The project implements the Regional and Structural Policy Programme.

The project produces written and audiovisual, openly accessible information and dissemination material.


Pasi Henriksson

Lehtori, Maanmittaus

Ammattiopisto Tavastia

[email protected]


kirsi s. hovikorpi



[email protected]


Jukka-pekka skön

Asiantuntija, yliopettaja


[email protected]


merja mäkelä



[email protected]


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