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Adaptive, smart and energy-wise building

Pro­ject info

Pro­jectAd­apt­ive, smart and energy-​wise build­ing (ADRA)
Dur­a­tion1.5.2024 – 30.9.2026
Part­nersHäme Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences
Fund­ingHäme ELY-​centre
Budget458 908 €

Traditional building automation systems contain little intelligent control. In the ADRA project, our aim is to develop solutions that increase the intelligence of buildings and to promote their use and popularization.

The built environment plays an important role in achieving the carbon neutrality targets, because it consumes a significant share of total energy and produces high levels of carbon dioxide emissions. One way to improve the energy efficiency of buildings is to increase their level of intelligence. Building owners and users therefore need more information on the requirements, goals and benefits of building intelligence, as many of them feel that more traditional energy saving measures have already been done. In ADRA project, we are developing solutions to increase the intelligence of buildings and promote their use and popularization.

We will also design a user information system that takes into account the different types of building users and motivates them to take different energy efficiency measures. The solutions will be demonstrated in a smart features demonstration room “Future Living Lab” that is developed during the project.

Tar­get group

The main target groups of the project are cities, municipalities and SMEs as owners and users of different types of buildings and real estate.

Area of activ­ity

The area of activity is primarily Kanta-Häme.


HAMK, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun kirjoitettu mustalla tekstillä. Vieressä HAMKin symboli

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